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Third Person's Point of View

The boss' gaze lingered in Eight's body. Eight watched as the boss stepped closer and closer to her.

The boss suddenly laughed. "You look stupid."

"I won't tell you anything." Eight said.

"Come on now, stop the act." The boss replied. Eight looked up and locked her eyes with the boss. "They're gone. We're the only ones left." The boss added.

Eight remained silent as her eyes wandered in the room. She frowned and released her anger. "You're a bitch, Diego."

The boss chuckled. "You know I had to do it for this whole thing to be believable."

"Oh, stop talking and release me." Eight rolled her eyes.

"I'm still enjoy—"

"Stop being a pussy and release me, Diego." Eight said between gritted teeth.

"You and your hot head, Haera." Diego, the boss, grinned while releasing Eight from the locks that were wrapped in her neck and limbs.

"Don't call me that." Eight said as she stretched her body on the chair. She tried to get up but her body ached causing her legs to collapse.

Diego immediately caught her. "Easy now."

Eight quickly moved away from Diego. Suspicion lingering in her eyes. "You still don't trust me, do you?" His thick Southern accent rang through the room. "You know, you're a smart girl. I told you to make a way for us to meet but I never expected that it would be this way. You got yourself into trouble with dad." Diego laughed and lit a black cigarette from his pocket.

"This was the only way I know. And I know that your dad's one sensitive bitch. Jeno keeps his eyes on every member. He might not say it, but I know it." Eight replied.

"Be careful with him. He's one of the few who could ruin our plans. Dad trained him directly after the old godfather died— oops, I meant to say your grandfather." Diego chuckled.

That must be why he knows a lot.

"You think that's funny?" Eight raised an eyebrow.

"Can you chill?" Diego sassed out and grabbed a bottle of whiskey from a cabinet. He poured it into two bottles. "Besides, we'll have Sin Nombre all to ourselves once we kill my dad— the murderer of your family. You'll be able to get your revenge and be the boss of this group and I'll be the godfather. Cheers to that, partner?" The boss stated as he reached out his hand with a glass of whiskey.

Eight grabbed the glass and smiled. "Cheers."

Eight never wanted any of the positions, but she knows she has to take her and her father's place back in Sin Nombre. She wants to get her revenge. She wants El Señor to pay, and Diego, the boss, is her only way to make it possible. She knows she'll have to betray Diego sooner or later as she can't let another power greedy man lead Sin Nombre, but her priority is to kill El Señor first then Diego.

Diego may seem like he bows down at his father's request, but Eight exactly knows how the boss plays. Diego will take down El Señor at any cost. He's one cunning and ambitious man after all.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now