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Third Person's Point of View

The sun shone brightly on the members' face. The younger ones enjoyed the beautiful view, most frowned as their familiarity with light has greatly decreased due to their nature of work. Most of the time, only the street lights are their source of light when it comes to the dirty work.

"Shut the window." The lingering silence then broke when Mark spoke.

"Don't you adore the sun? It's amazing. Haven't seen one in a while." Donghyuck deeply stared at the shining sun. A genuine smile was plastered on his face.

"Donghyuck, aren't you too old for that?" An eyebrow was raised—it was Mark's, of course.

"Too old is subjective. Try again." He deadpanned, moving his gaze once again to the bright sun. His hand placed under his chin.

"Last time I checked, I'm higher than you in the chain of command." Mark smirked willingly.

Donghyuck averted his gaze once again to Mark. This time annoyance was obvious in his face. "Last time I checked, I don't care. You may shut your mouth n—"

"Enough." A deep voice growled.

It was Jeno's.

"Arguing over a fucking sun?" Jeno tilted his head examining the faces of the arguing duo. Their expressions quickly changed—now frightened.

The other members were seen chuckling silently. "Those two... when will they ever stop?" Renjun silently said under his breath.

Jeno stood only to place his phone in the middle of the table. "Message from the boss." He stated and pointed at his phone before sitting on his respective leather chair on the very middle and end of the table.


"Starting tomorrow, everyone is expected to be working at "Skale". You are applied to different positions for less suspicion. This will be your punishment for your several failed mission.

Throughout your work experience, simple missions shall be carried out by everyone. Fail and you're out. Target people will be sent on your phones, wait until then.

Positions will remain. Follow the chain of command.

Each and every member is back to level one—training. Don't make me lose my trust in you. You know what happens to kicked members, do you? This is not a warning, a threat rather."

While everyone was still confused and in denial, Jeno had his hand push his hair upwards.

"This is getting annoying! We trained for several years to become official members and now we're back to square fucking one!" Chenle interjected, his hand crushing through the thick glass of water he was holding.

"Mafia members turned into cafe workers? Great this is so fucking great! ha. ha." Renjun sarcastically stated closing his eyes in frustration.

"What the hell are we supposed to do then? Carry out missions in a stupid cafe? What kind of a dumb bitch does that?" Jisung couldn't hide his anger anymore.

Complaints rang in the room.

Everyone felt the same—confused and angry.

"Enough complaints." Mark said as he pierced through the noises made in the room. "We have to accept this. We wouldn't have to go through this mess if it weren't for us too. The boss puts his trust in us only for us to break it several times through our failed missions. Maybe it's time for us to think again and hone our skills even more. It's a great opportunity." Mark encouraged the group. He held a soft smile on his face.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now