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Her Point of View

On the way home, I couldn't stop thinking about Jaehyun and his parents.

We experienced the exact same thing after we got separated 6 years ago.

What the fuck is happening? I'm so confused.

I thought to myself.

"We're leaving tonight, Eightee." Jae-jae had sadness in his face. An expression I rarely see in him.

"What? I thought you'll be leaving for Europe next year? It's too early to leave!" I protested throwing a tantrum.

"I don't know, Eight." Jae lamented silently. He then grabbed my hands. "I don't think it's Europe where we're going. Daddy said that we're going somewhere far. Very far. Away from you." He added with hesitation.

"Me? What did I do? Did I do something wrong, Jae-jae?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.

"Nooo! It's not that. They just said that it's not safe here. In this place." Jae consoled me by hugging me.

"You're my only friend, Jae-jae... please don't leave me." I cried in his arms.

"I'm always here with you, Eightee." He pressed his pointy finger against my heart.

"But I want you here. Beside me." I sniffled.

"I'll be back, Eightee. I don't know when, but I will find you." Jaehyun's tears finally fell. We both hugged each other while continuously sobbing until his parents came and he was dragged by their large bodyguards.

I did not see him anymore after that.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I was brought back to reality when I hear Mark's voice. The sudden shaking of the car due to the bumpy road awakened my senses.

"Maybe she's thinking of who to insult next." Haechan joked.

"Shut up, will you?" Mark commanded. Haechan was left with no choice but to be quiet.

I gave Mark a small smile. I crossed my arms and closed my eyes, signaling that I'm in no mood to talk to anyone.

"Haera," Father called. I looked up and saw my father with worried eyes. It was an unusual sight. "We're leaving tonight with your mother. We're no longer safe here."

"Leaving? Like Jae-jae, Father?" I asked.

Father frowned. "Jae-jae's family is leaving, sweetie?"

"Yes, father. He told me earlier. I think they're leaving now." I answered innocently.

"You! Find them!" Suddenly, father bellowed. He walked away from me and ordered some of his men to find the Jeong Family.

"Why are you angry, Father? Did they do something wrong?" I was confused.

Father was not able to answer anymore as a big explosion shook the whole mansion.

"They're here!" One of father's men shouted. Father's men rushed to us and protected us with bulletproof shields.

I cried due to the chaos and hugged my father. He pulled me closer and whispered by my ear. "Don't trust anyone, Haera. Use your nickname Eight wherever you go. You are Eight because just like the number eight, your abilities are infinite. You are greater than most men out there. You are power. You are Eight."

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now