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"Wake up now, Eight." I heard a familiar soft voice.

"Hey," The voice greeted.

"Mark," I greeted him half-awake. I opened my eyes a little and found myself trying to sleep again.

I felt a warm palm behind my neck, I immediately opened my eyes and saw Mark helping me sit down. I grunted and pushed his arms away laying down on the bed once again.

"Eight! Come on!" He complained.

"What do you want? We don't even have a mission!" I grumbled in the pillow that I used to cover my face for the sun's light was directly shining on my face.

"Eight, mandatory morning work out, remember?" He reminded and pulled my arm but my position stayed the same.

"Go aw—"

"What's happening?" A low voice made me sit immediately. It was as if I was splashed with water on the face.

I covered my face with my hair and ran to my bathroom as quick as possible.

"What's with her?" I heard Mark outside the bathroom, next thing I heard was Jeno' chuckling.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I whispered underneath my breath while stomping on the floor.

Somebody kill me now. Please!

I quickly rinsed my face and changed into a sports bra and cycling shorts. I did everything as fast as I could but I didn't know why. I was panicking, mainly because of the flashbacks from yesterday.

"Eight! Hurry!" Mark shouted from outside.

"Wai—Fuck!" I cursed when I accidentally hit my hand on the sink as I was grabbing my toothbrush.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Yes, Mark! Just go away! Wait for me downstairs!"

I have been running on the treadmill for thirty minutes now. My goal was an hour before I lift weights. The boys on the other hand was already lifting weights and doing their own needed exercises. Renjun and Jisung were the only one seen combat training.

"Hey, ever wonder what happened to the old godfather?" Chenle's sudden question made my pace slower.

"Do you guys think he's dead?" Jaemin then also asked.

"I hope not." Mark's tone lowered.

"You're sad over an ousted godfather?" Haechan chuckled, making fun of Mark.

The members near Haechan immediately averted their gaze towards him. Everyone looked shocked at his sudden sentence.

"What?" He raised both him arms.

"Didn't expect you to be this heartless now." Chenle chuckled. Haechan had a small smirk as he shook his head, Mark on the other hand had his jaw clenched as if trying to control himself.

"Do you guys know anything about the new godfather?" I asked and pulled out one side of the earphone.

"Nothing. Just that he's a douche who forced 7 year old kids to kill." Jaemin blurted out angrily.

"Well, he goes by JTH. That's all we know." Mark said.

Suddenly, it felt like my whole world stopped with those three letters.

"Wh..what did he... look like?" I barely had the strength to utter those words.

"Just a big and fat grandpa." Chenle laughed. "Obviously, his hair's partly white already. He's fucking old. Also—Jisung and I always laughs at the fact that his belt had his initials. JTH."

Slowly, I felt my airway narrowing. I had to hold onto the treadmill's arms to balance myself.

"Eight?" I heard Mark's voice beside me.

"I'm okay." I whispered with my other hand holding onto my chest.

I felt tears forming in my eyes. Before it ran down my cheeks I got off the treadmill quickly.

"Hey! Don't just get off the treadmill like that! You'll get dizz—Hey, Eight!" I heard Chenle's voice behind me but I didn't care about my surroundings at this point.

I started to feel nauseous while heading to the bathroom. My head spun and my mind couldn't think of anything. I constantly looked for something I could grab on to balance my self but there wasn't any, until I found myself holding onto an arm.

"Eight," It was Jeno's voice. I quickly pushed him away, headed to the bathroom, and locked the door.

Not even a minute in, I ran to the toilet and found myself throwing up constantly due to the dizziness.

"Eight! Is everything alright?" I heard Jeno knocking outside the door.

"Yes! Please go away!" I yelled right after I finished throwing up.

Jeno knocked. "Hey, open the door." His voice became calm.

"Please, stay away..." I whispered as I ran out of energy. I flushed the toilet and ran to the sink. I opened faucet and the same feeling touched my skin. I washed my face and then my hands, continuously rubbing it.

I felt dirty. I felt the need to be cleansed.

"You're a dirty fucking slut now."

I got soap and scrubbed it all over my hands, rinsing it with water continuously.

"Girls like you deserve this."

The longer I stayed in the sink the rougher I washed my hands with soap and water.


"No, no, no, no, no." I cried out silently as flashbacks overpowered me.

"I'm getting the keys, Eight. Wait for me." Jeno said. A knock was not heard anymore. He must've went away, but I knew I couldn't care less my attention was on myself. I tried to clean myself. I wanted to be clean.

"What would your parents think if they knew you were a dirty fucking slut already?"

"Please, go away! Please! Please..." I whispered silently to myself while continuously washing my hands.

I caught my breath for a while and stopped to look at my hand. It was covered in scratches, wounds, and blood. It made me even furious and once again, I washed and washed and washed.

The door swung open and I felt hands wrap both my wrist pulling in closer to the person. I looked up and met eyes with Jeno who had a frown on his face. He looked as if he was catching his breath. He sighed one last time before checking on me.

I tried to pull my hand away but he was stronger. "You're bleeding."

I looked at my hands and glanced at him once again. And there, I felt my tears sliding down my cheeks. My body slowly lost its energy causing me to slowly collapse but Jeno's arms were wrapped around me. My face was on his chest. I yelled and cried but all I felt was his embrace. I felt my both of my hands tremendously trembling, a warm feeling also wrapped around it. It was his hand on both of mine's.

"It's okay..." He whispered and closed the door, making the place private. "You're safe here."

I couldn't say anything. All I felt was extreme emotions and emptiness. All at the same time. It felt as if I was going crazy but the presence beside me hinders me from becoming so.

When I realized how much trouble I caused I pulled and looked away from Jeno. "I'm sorry." I softly stated.

"You don't have to be." He replied.

I leaned my head on the wall as the dizziness still did not stop. I heard a plastic being opened right beside me. Jeno slowly lifted my head from the wall and presented me a water bottle. He tried to help me drink from it but I quickly grabbed it from his hand.

"You don't have to do this." I said and moved my gaze onto his. He softly smiled but his eyes were full of concern. I never knew I'd see this from him.

"You're my responsibility."

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now