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Third Person's Point of View

"Rush her to the medical room!" One of the women assassins ordered.

The assassins followed, quickly grabbing Haera's body and placing her in a stretcher and dragging her to Señor Miguel's headquarters.

The members of Sueño and Genio were in an unfamiliar place, but they couldn't help but just trust their rescuers with Haera's life.

"I can help!" Haechan ran to the assassins holding onto Haera's stretcher.

"Sir, our doctors will take care of her. Rest assured that they will do everything that they can." A man— one of the assassins, grabbed Haechan by his arm, stopping him from walking towards Haera.

"We have a child." Jeno suddenly stated. The rest of the group turned to look at him, all in a state of confusion.

"What?" Mark expressed.

"I have to go to her." Jeno said and walked past the assassin in front of him. The assassin quickly stopped him by stepping in front of Jeno's way. "What are you doing?"

"Please let the doctors handle her, Sir." The assassin stated.

"Why can't I see her? She's the mother of my child!" Jeno questioned in anger.

"You must get treated too, Sir." The assassin calmly replied.

Jeno wanted to burst into anger. He wanted to shoot the man in front of him but as he saw Mark calmly shaking his head and trying to tell him to retreat from what he's planning, he understood the importance of keeping his sanity together.

He closed his eyes and breathed.

When he opened his eyes, the assassin was still in front of him waiting for his words.

"Tell the doctors that we have a child. Please save them both." Jeno's hand was curled into a fist. His hands were shaking in anger and fear— fear of losing the woman he loves and their child.

"Yes, Sir." The assassin nodded and quickly ran inside the headquarters.

"Señors, Señora, we must quickly escort you to Señor Miguel, who is now waiting for your arrival. Please follow us, it's safer inside." Another assassin spoke from the members' back. It was a woman.

The members from both units followed the pathway of the assassins surrounding them. They walked inside the headquarters covered in white and royal blue accents.

As they walked in the headquarters, they notice the home-like features of the first floor, it looked nothing like a headquarters for assassins, it simply looked like a house. It seemed like a cover up for any lost people who could accidentally enter the headquarters.

When they stepped in the elevator, they could see the surrounding areas of every floor they pass through.

The second floor seemed like the medical area and as Jeno rummaged his eyes in search of Haera in the second floor, he couldn't see anything as each operating room was privatized. Jeno couldn't help but feel a sense of longing.

The third floor had multiple assassins training, and the fourth floor only had a big hallway with several doors.

When the elevator came to a stop, the assassins quickly escorted the members towards a white door. It didn't have any special feature on it. It was just a white door with no clue of what could be inside.

"He's waiting for all of you in there." One of the women assassins spoke. She looked at Mark and gave him a nod.

Mark thanked her with a nod and whispered to Jeno. "Just let me know if you want me to take the lead." He knew that Jeno was still being hunted by his current situation.

"I'll do it." Jeno replied and turned the door knob. He pushed the door open, revealing two middle aged men conversing on a sofa. "Superiores." Jeno called upon seeing Miguel and Carlo.

"Jeno." Señor Carlo quickly walked towards him and gave him a firm embrace. "It's good to see your group alive." Jeno nodded.

"Come inside. We have to talk." It was Señor Miguel.

"Thank you for saving us." Jeno said as he walked towards his senior. The rest of the group was just behind him, following his steps.

"I did what I had to do." Señor Miguel replied.

"Had to do?" Mark repeated, questioning the intention of his senior's reply.

"We're against El Señor and Diego." Señor Miguel revealed, leaving the two units shocked yet hopeful because now they have a large group of assassins with them.

"Is that why you rescued us? Is that also the reason why you have this hidden headquarters with assassins? Are you planning for a revolution?" Mark asked.

"Easy now." Señor Miguel's calm voice slowed the rising adrenaline of questions from the members. "I'll answer all of your questions once Yang Haera is awake. For now, you have to get your wounds treated by my nurses." He stood up and walked to the door as a sign of exit. He looked back at the members before stepping outside the room. "Feel at home. This will be your home for a couple of days." Señor Miguel stated and left the members.

"Welcome home." Señor Carlo remarked and stepped outside of the room too, following his close friend, Señor Miguel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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