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Her Point of View

Shivers ran down my spine. It was a cold night and I could feel the ice cold concrete behind my back.

There's nothing I could see but my old friend again: darkness.

The silence was deafening and I could only hear my own heartbeat. It was fast, far from a relaxed heartbeat.

I stared into nothing. I did not know if my eyes were closed or if my eyes were getting blurry, there was nothing to see. I can feel the throbbing pain in my head.

I tried to control my breathing. The pain from the wounds on my back was starting to worsen as my adrenaline was slowly coming off my body.

I did not know what to do anymore, I just shut my eyes close and prayed.

Prayed to nothing. Prayed to whatever.

God? Universe? Whoever you are, just take me.

The next thing I knew was that tears were running down my face.

I was tired. Tired from all the torture, tired from all the longing from Jeno.

I love that man, with all my soul. It was the very first time I ever felt love. With him, there's comfort— there's silence.

And now I'm all alone.

"Jeno," I tried to speak. My throat sore and my voice weak. "I'm sorry." I held onto my stomach that was enveloped with pain. "I'm sorry for bringing you into this world." I did not know what to say, but I wanted God or the universe to know that I will apologize until Jeno forgives me.

Third Person's Point of View

"We cannot just barge in." Jeno said as he held tighter into his seat. He was desperate to save Haera. He was prepared to risk everything. "Jaemin, know the number of people in Diego's base. Call Winwin and give him the same task, be quick." He ordered.

"Yes, Cap." Jaemin answered.

"We have to plan this out. There will be a decrease in Diego's number of men. It's night time and many of his men's shift end at night." Jeno said.

The members agreed and prepared their own ammunitions. They knew that war was about to begin. All they could do was hope that they go home together.

"How's Genio holding up?" Jeno asked, looking at Mark.

"Just waiting for our go signal." Mark replied, a small smile of comfort showing in his face. Jeno nodded and looked away.

The van behind Sueño was Genio feeling the same uneasiness as Sueño was feeling.

"We're going against our boss." Mia spoke, breaking the silence in their van.

"Obviously." Yuta sassed out.

"Rude." Mia remarked.

"Shut up, both of you." Winwin said. "I'm trying to work here."

"Sorry." Mia apologized and sipped from her boxed banana milk instead.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now