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Jeno's Point of View

I watched as Haera slowly backed away, signaling her defeat.

Haera, no.

I'd rather die than see you slowly die in their hands.

I started shaking my head in hopes that Haera will look at me and understand that I cannot just accept that she was giving up on her life.

I watched her face, her every move. I cannot bear to even look away from her.

Tears were in her eyes, and she was wearing a big shirt that's been torn from behind, showing her fresh and deep cuts.


Diego's favorite torture method.

I could feel anger rising in my very core.

They touched her.

They touched what's mine.

Her wrists cannot go too far away from each other too as it was bound by thick metal chains, both dried and fresh blood can be seen on her arms.

"Haera..." I called her. I wanted to run to her, to save her from whatever despair and pain she was feeling, but I couldn't. My hands were bounded by a rope and Diego's men were around me.

I was busy assessing Haera's condition when all of a sudden, a continuous stream of bullets flew inside the underground walls.

"Secure Eight!" I heard a voice from behind. I knew it was Mark. "You! Get to Jeno and Jisung!" Several orders from Mark followed.

The guards responded by quickly protecting Diego.

I looked at Jisung and we clearly had the same plan to run away. Hatred was all I could see in his then innocent eyes.

I did not hesitate anymore and stood up, pushing myself closer to my unit.

Chenle quickly ran towards Jisung and I and slashed apart the ropes tied in our wrists. "I'm glad both of you are safe." He said and gave us a pat on our shoulders.

We gave him a nod. Chenle then grabbed extra guns and knives from Yuta who was beside him and immediately gave us weapons to protect ourselves.

"Thank you." Was all I could make out of my mouth. In my head, I was already thinking of how to get to Haera. "Save her first." I told the group.

They instantly nodded, and all together, we marched into war against El Señor and Diego's loyal men.

Third Person's Point of View

The underground dungeon echoed with the resonating sounds of bullets and screams of killers in pain.

Sin Nombre used to fight and march with each and every member by their sides. But this time, it was already clear with Sueño and Genio who the real enemy was.

It was never the people that the administration tasked them to kill, it was the administrators, themselves, who was needed to be ousted.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now