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Third Person's Point of View

"Shoot him or I'll shoot you."

"Do it, Haera!"

"I...I can't!"

"Fucking do it!" She felt the cold gun be in touch with her head. Her hands shook vigorously.

"No! Father, I can't!" The little girl cried.

"I'm fucking giving you 5 seconds." The scary man said. "Five seconds and you and your dad are dead."

"Do it! I have lived long enough." The father cried.

"5..." The man started counting.

"Just like we practiced... you just have to pull—"

"4!" The man shouted startling the little girl.

"the trigger..." The father continued.

"3. Don't make me fucking wait." The man pushed the gun further into her head.

"Come on, sweetie... just one shot." The father gave her a faint smile. The little girl felt so small around the adults surrounding her, all with the same smirk beside her father who was kneeling in front of her. His eyes were full of tears but not one escaped from it. He gave her a reassuring smile while constantly whispering "It will all be okay."

"No..." The little girl whimpered.

"Just one shot, sweetie." The father pleaded.

"2! Hurry!"

A short silence which seemed like forever to the little girl followed.


A loud scream was then heard together with a gunshot.

There laid an old man's body in front of the little girl.

A presence awoke inside the recovery room. A sweaty and out of breath Eight was greeted by the darkness of the room. She looked at her surroundings but it was only her. A sigh of relief followed.

It has been a week since she woke up from the incident back at the mansion. Her recovery has been going on smoothly but every night she experiences the same dream.

She stood up supporting her chest by holding onto it and went out of her room with very little steps. Her body could now move but at a very minimal speed.

Eight noticed that the balcony's lights were open. She headed straight to the place and there she saw Jeno. His arm were resting on the chair's arm rest while holding a book which he seemed busy with.

"Didn't know you were a book worm." Eight greeted with a smile. Jeno was startled by her appearance but his usual expression remained. He always looked hard as a rock whatever the situation is.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting." He said and averting his gaze to his book once again.

"It feels so stuffy in my room." She answered as she slowly sat down beside Jeno.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now