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TW: Sexual scenes ahead

Her Point of View

Jeno's right hand rummaged through my body. He explored every inch of it. His other hand was busy supporting my neck as he deepened our kiss.

I felt his right hand gliding from my leg up to my butt and to the inner parts of my thighs. It was as if sparks were created while his hand circled around my body.

I moaned in between our kisses, feeling so good about the sensation Jeno's giving me.

His right hand explored deeper through my inner thighs until he pulled his rummaging hands away from my panties and laughed. "You're so wet already." His voice was deep.

Fuck. That turned me on.

"Just touch me already." I panted. My patience almost gone.

"But there wouldn't be any fun in that, Eight." Jeno playfully replied.

I love the way he calls me. It excites me even more.

"Also, why in the world are you being such a brat?" Jeno raised his eyebrow.

Sexy. He's so fucking sexy.

"Because I want to." I teased, closing my legs so he could get little access.

"Oh, I don't think you understand the punishment I'm about to give you." Jeno whispered as he pushed me on the bed. His sudden movement shocked me, I must admit. He unbuckled his belt and removed his black tuxedo, throwing it and his other clothes on the floor.

He hovered on top of me kissing me rough and deep once again. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. Jeno and I were fighting for dominance once again but I couldn't bring myself to be on top of him as he was stronger and bigger than me in so many aspects.

Jeno's lips traveled from my lips to my jaw and down to my neck. I felt his warm tongue circling and sucking on my neck. I bit my lip to stay silent as I'm sure other members may hear me if I make another sound.

His tongue felt like heaven. I've made out with other people before but Jeno is just different. He makes me go crazy just by his kiss.

While his tongue was busy sucking on my neck, I felt his hand slowly making its way to my underwear. Jeno teased my inner thighs first before rubbing my clit through my panties.

"Fuck," I breathed out quietly, trying to contain my moans.

"This is still far from what I'm about to do. Preserve your energy, princess." Jeno whispered just by my ear and planted kisses on it too. He made his way down to my neck again, then pushed my bodycon dress up and removed it completely, leaving me with my undergarments only. I saw Jeno bite his lips and smirk before moving his lips to the different parts of my body again.

He kissed and sucked on my neck, went down on my chest and breasts and sucked on it too, even biting it when he wanted too. I cursed him multiple times but he just fastened his pace every time I complained. He then went lower until he reached my stomach and my wet underwear. I saw him smile as he kneeled and positioned himself between my legs.

His fingers started to play with my womanhood, wetting my underwear even more. I bit my lip, trying to silence myself.

At this point he just wants everyone to know he's fucking me. God, his fingers feels so good.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now