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Jeno's Point of View

I paced around the room, trying to divert my attention into something else, but it was just impossible to do. Especially now that Mark is holding the envelope as I walk around my room.

I can't help but feel anxious about Mark making his way towards me. I don't know if I did the right decision to look at a part of Eight once more. It's harder now that I'm trying to walk away from us.

The situation I'm in started to affect me physically—I was getting lightheaded.

I sat down and took deep breaths.

Jeno, don't think too much.

Calm yourself.

I relaxed my body and leaned on my sofa. I could feel my nerves calming down, but that was until I heard a knock.

Her Point of View

"Bring in Zach." Diego ordered. My vision was too blurry for me to see what was going on.

I want to see who Zach is.

I want to know his face.

I want to remember every face in this room.

But my senses were slowly failing me and I couldn't do anything like a helpless little child who wasn't given the chance to buy the toy that she wanted.

Though mumbled, I could hear footsteps approaching Diego's position. "Diego," An unfamiliar voice greeted.

"Zach," Diego greeted back. I can only imagine the smile on Diego's face right now.

"I have what you need." The same unfamiliar voice spoke—Zach.

"Well, you have your human subject over here."  Diego replied.

"Sure 'bout that? She looks like she's about to die. The serum is too strong for her fragile body. She can die." Zach questioned.

At this point, I knew I was the "subject". I was the one who was going to be tested.

"That bitch is stronger than anything. She's like a cockroach. She never dies." Diego laughed.

"If you say so." Zach ended the conversation. I could hear him walking towards me.

Two hands suddenly gripped me by my shoulders and sat me up. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a blurry image of a blonde guy with glasses in front of me.

"This will be quick. Don't worry." He whispered by my ear. I heard a metal sound opening, it was like a suitcase.

"I know you have lots of secrets, Haera. Thankfully, I have Zach who can get all information out of your system with just a serum." Diego said.

A figure of an injection showed up in Zach's hand. He removed the lid and as the injection drew closer to my skin, my heart started beating faster.

I didn't know what could happen. I already gave up on my own life but I couldn't help but feel scared of the pain.

A stinging pain approached my neck. I threw my head back, trying to contain the pain in my body. I could feel a hot liquid rummaging through my face up to my brain.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now