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Jeno's Point of View

I woke up in a familiar room. It's not mine but I've seen this—

"Morning." A female voice rang next to me in bed. My eyebrows met as I recalled what happened yesterday.



I'm in Eight's Room.

"Get out of my room before the others wake up." She commanded.

My eyebrow raised. Now's the perfect time to tease. "Oh? Now you're the one commanding? Last night weren't you submitted into my com—?"

"Shut it. Get out, Jeno." Eight coldly cut me off.

I chuckled. Something about her acting this way makes me want her more.

"It's still early, Princess. We have enough time to continue what we were doing last night." A smirk formed on my lips as I ran my hand on her face, down to her neck and body.

Eight grabbed my hand. "No." She stood up but failed. She sat back down.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just lost my balance." She replied, looking away.


"Alright then," I paused. "stand now."

"No. Get out." She repeated.

"Why? Don't you want me to see you walk?" I think I know why she can't stand in front of me. Just the thought of it makes me laugh. "It's easy to walk, Eight. Look." I stood then walk towards her bathroom door, making fun of her further.

I saw Eight raise an eyebrow. She was getting angry.

"Jeno, get o—"

"Not until I see you walk."

"I can't okay!"

I laughed.

"Stop it." Eight grumbled.

I couldn't stop laughing.

"If you're going to laugh at me the whole morning then get out!" She angrily bickered and stood up, her legs shaking as she tried to move closer to the bathroom door.

I contained my laughter and pulled her bare body with only her bra and underwear. A smile grew on my face as I carried her with my right arm.

"Jeno, bring me down, you jerk." She demanded as she hit my arm with hers.

"It might take you years before you could enter your bathtub." My smile grew.

"You're so annoying." Eight rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. But you listen to me anyways," I paused and looked at her. "Especially in bed."



Third Person's Point of View

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now