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TW: Sexual scenes ahead

Jeno's Point of View

"Gathering is tomorrow. Everyone's ready?" I asked putting a hand on my waist. I felt my belt's leather texture be in contact with my skin. I examined everyone in the room. Most nodded while Eight was the only one with a dismayed look.

"Shit. Totally forgot about that." She voiced out closing her eyes and moving her head away.

"Let's go." I said and pointed my head towards the front door.

"Where?" She curiously asked.

"Mall. You seem unprepared." I replied. She smiled and gave me a look full of charisma. Frankly, butterflies were all I could feel during those seconds.

"Really, huh? You're driving for me?" She teased lifting the side of her lip. I moved my gaze to Mark and noticed how his head slightly tilted, his eyes slowly narrowing.

"Just follow, Eight. You have to look presentable tomorrow or we'll look stupid." I blurted in annoyance. I looked at Mark once again and it looked like he has shrugged the situation he was watching.

Eight smiled as she stood from her place. I turned my heel away, making my way to the parking lot. Behind me was Eight, I could hear her sandal's following me.

— • —

"Nothing fits me!" I heard Eight shout in the dressing room. The door swung open revealing an annoyed Eight. There she was, holding dresses that she herself chose.

"What do you mean nothing fits you? You're literally built just fine." I questioned as I felt my eyebrows meet.

"I hate this!" She grunted. "Can I just stay at home? I really don't wanna go." She added sulking.

"What's the matter?" I sighed as both my eyebrows lifted, my lips pursed as I did so.

Now, she was the one confused. "What do you mean?"

"You think I'm stupid? I've seen your face last time I mentioned about the gathering and now you're trying to get away from it. What's the matter, Eight?" I asked and took a step towards her.

She held her stance and lifted her head aligning our eyes and faces. She hummed a "hmm?" before speaking. "It's not that I'm running away from it." Eight rolled her eyes. "Nothing suits me." She reasoned.

"I'll help you then." I stated as my last resort and pushed her in the dressing room. We have been in the mall for an hour now. As soon as we entered, we were welcomed with a large mirror on the wall and a small sofa where she placed her bag.

"You expect me to strip here?" Eight asked looking directly at me. Her hands full of clothes.

"I'm looking away. Don't worry." I replied and turned my back on her facing the pastel colored wall.

A zipper being removed was all I could hear in the room, a sign that had no pants anymore. I closed my eyes nonetheless and waited until she said another word.

"Ow!" I heard her hiss. I quickly looked back wondering if anything had happen to her.

"What happened?" I asked.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now