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Her Point of View

Jeno was burning with rage.

No, literally.

He dragged me out of the arena with his hand wrapped around my arm tightly. By tightly, I mean tightly. I don't even know if my blood's still flowing.

"Jeno, you're hurting me." I spoke while being dragged like an idiot out of the place with countless men in black tuxedo.

When we were finally out of the arena, he pushed me by the arm. Hard enough for me to almost lose my balance. I supported my healing ribs, afraid that I might fall.

"What the hell?" I groaned.

"No. What the hell is wrong with you?" Jeno was mad. So mad. I could see rage in his face. Any wrong word and it seems like I need to prepare myself for my own burial.

I frowned. "He humiliated me, Jeno."

"And so what? You think you can simply talk back?" He raised an eyebrow, his jaw clenched.

"He called me a whore! Did you not hear him at all?" I replied offendedly.

"I don't care, Eight! I don't give a fuck! He's a Superiore, you're supposed to accept everything they say even if it means lowering your goddamn pride!" He angrily said. Jeno closed his eyes for a split second. I could see him calming himself down.

"Jeno, I'm your fucking member! You told me that I was under your care and that includes you defending me against men who look down on me simply because I'm a woman in a fitted dress who does the same work as you do." My patience was quickly drowning out.

"Alfonso only wanted respect from you, Eight! You did not even greet him respectfully." Jeno tried to explain.

"Oh, fuck that! Was calling me "whore" asking for respect? Was belittling me in front of the members and other people "asking for respect"?" I thundered angrily.

Jeno shot me a deadly stare and moved closer pulling me by my left arm again.

"Let go of me." I debated whilst I tried to pull my arm from him. I only regretted it because as I tried to pull it away his grip was only getting tighter and tighter. "Jeno-"

"You will listen to me, Eight. I've had enough of your secrets and attitudes." His voice was deep and cold. Different emotions swirled in my mind. "I did not build Sueño my whole life only for you to ruin it. If I tell you to behave properly in front of our seniors, you will do it. And if our seniors tell you to bark, you will also do it. Life does not work that easy. You can't always get away with your sarcastic and seductive smiles. Sometimes, you have to give up everything, including your own fucking pride, for you to get what you fucking need. Do. You. Understand. That?" His breathing was faster. I knew he was trying to control his emotions.

I was doing the same thing. Pain throbbed so hard in my arm. He's squeezing me with all his might and rage.

I only locked my eyes on him, trying not to budge. His hands were on the same side where I landed when Jaemin and I fell from the second floor of our old house.

"Jeno, it hurts. Please." I pleaded with tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Oh, good then. If I need to hurt you for you to knock some sense in that brain of yours, then good." He squeezed tighter. I silently squirmed as I felt my legs weaken.

I could feel Jeno supporting my weight by holding me tighter in my arm.

"Please, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." I desperately pleaded. Trying to contain the squirms I want to let out. My body ached all over again.

He pulled me closer and whispered into my ear. "Good." Then he let go off me, pushing me away.

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

Was that fear that I felt?

I controlled my breathing before finally deciding to head to the female's bathroom. I felt weaker emotionally than physically.

What Jeno said hurt me. For a while, I thought the cold-hearted asshole was kind. I was so wrong. The jerk only wanted sex. His position will forever be his priority.

In front of the bathroom mirror, I fixed my now messy hair and retouched my makeup. Thankfully, I did not cry over the pain Jeno was giving me and my mascara is still good as new.

I fixed my dress to my liking and abruptly stopped when I noticed the hand marks Jeno left on my left arm. It was very red and parts of it were turning purple already.

"Damn you, Jeno." I whispered underneath my breath.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Behind me was a feminine voice. I quickly looked back and saw a blonde girl with grey eyes, staring directly at my bruise. Her wavy hair was not too long nor too short. It fit perfectly with her face shape. She was a bit tan and her lips were painted in nude. "Sorry to startle you. I'm Mia, from unit Genio. I'm with Lucas, I saw you talking with him earlier." She gave me a reassuring smile.

I pushed it aside and gave her a confident stare. I was in no mood to smile or be kind. "Eight. Sueño." When I did not give her an answer regarding my arm, she gave an anticipating look. Leaving me with no choice but to make up a lie. "Just a stupid bruise I got during a mission."

She did not seem satisfied with my answer. "Well, whatever that is I know those are marks of a hand. Really strong ones I supposed." She said and removed her black cardigan jacket exposing her bare arms. She's left with only her yellow floral dress. "Here, take this. This suits your outfit well too. A great cover up for that distracting bruise." Mia giggled.

"No need." I replied, coldly refusing her offer.

"Come on, Eight. Take it." She insisted.

"I probably won't see you again—"

"I have tons of similar ones." She sighed. "Now, don't be such a hassle and take it." Mia grabbed my arm and placed the cardigan jacket on my hand. "Use that, okay? I'll be in the arena. Come up to me if you wanna chat. See ya."

Before I could even say my appreciation she walked away.

I looked at the cardigan jacket and wore it. It fit me just fine but it was a bit big on me. I smiled a little knowing that my bruise was finally covered up.

Fuck you, Lee Jeno. Fuck you.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now