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Third Person's Point of View

"I can't believe she did that." Mark said in between ragged breaths as they entered their home.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Haechan said to Jisung, pressing down the wound in his arm.

"No. Sit down, you both. I'll clean your wounds." Mark opposed and ran to the first aid kit in their living room.

"We should kill her." Renjun condemned, his eyes full of rage.

"I agree." Jaemin voiced out as blood flowed from his head.

"What's your take on this, underboss?" Haechan asked.

"I want you to continue your investigation, Jaemin." Jeno instructed and pressed his back against the sofa, his eyes focused on the ceiling.

"What? Just that?" Jaemin questioned.

"We got the answers already, Jeno. We should kill her, she knows too much about Sueño." Jisung imparted.

"Continue your investigations, Jaemin. That's my order." Jeno repeated once more.

"Jeno, can't you understand? Eight—that Haera son of a bitch manipulated us! She used u—" Jaemin tried to protest.

"I know! I'm not fucking stupid! She's already in Diego's hands, she might even be dead now." Jeno raged. His fist punched the sofa he was sitting on. He stood and stormed out of the living room.

"Let him be." Mark said as he held the first aid kit in his hand.

"I just can't understand why she'd hide it from us. We could've helped her take down the boss and the godfather." Renjun breathed, his voice low.

"People who have been through hell do not trust easily. In her eyes, everyone's her enemy." Haechan said. Even though he hated Eight at the moment, he still tried to understand her on a deeper level.

"That's bullshit." Jisung cursed.

"That's not bullshit, Jisung. I was betrayed by multiple people in my life. That explains why I found it hard to put my trust in Eight. You guys are my only allies, everyone around me: I consider them my enemies. It's hard when your demons play with your mind." Haechan tried to explain.

Jeno, on the other hand, went straight to his room. His anger finally exploded as soon as he was alone. He threw his vases and furniture, causing it to break into pieces on the floor.

"I can't understand. I can't fucking understand." Jeno said as he threw his own things on the floor.

Eight betrayed them and he hated her for that. He only felt anger at every memory of her flashing in his mind.

"Why?" Jeno asked. "Why did you kill half of their group? Why do you want to destroy them?"

"Because they killed my brother."

She lied to me.

Jeno thought.

"Jeno, my life is complicated. I was not raised in a beautiful home. My brother and I were raised in the streets. We grew up starving and I had to fight for every leftover in the trash just so I could keep my brother alive. When a group of men saw me fighting they took me in— said I was a good addition to their team. I did not know what was going on, but they taught me how to steal and kill. That was when I knew that they put me in a gang, a gang that was known for stealing. I became a thief," Eight paused. "And a killer."

You lied to me, Eight.

My eyes were locked with Eight as I wiped her tears away. Her face was filled with pain and sorrow. I believe her every word. I choose to believe her because I'm starting to love her.

Everything was a lie.

Jeno wanted to scream. He wanted blood on his hands—Eight's blood. 

His love for her was now gone. 

He'd rather protect his members than uphold his love for a considered traitor.

Her Point of View

I don't know where I am.

I was being dragged. I could feel blood dripping from my wrists due to the tightness of the metal they chained around my hands. The wound in my neck was stinging from the cold air breeze of the night.

I couldn't see anything. My head was wrapped with a sack and only the light from the moon seemed to be penetrating the small holes of the sack.

The ground I was standing on was hard and cold. And the walls beside me were clanging with noise whenever Diego's men would make contact with it.

The smell was not nice. It reeks of human waste.

I started to understand where they were bringing me.

I'm in a cell.

An underground prison meant for torturing.

I could not feel fear.

Maybe because I was too numb to care.

I wanted my life to end now. I couldn't see any direction anymore as Jaehyun, my only best friend betrayed me.

And Jeno...

I can't even think of him. I can't dare to imagine a happy future with him. There's no more need to hope and try to escape because my only reason despises me now.

God, universe, whoever you are.

Please make it quick.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now