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Third Person's Point of View

"Chenle, Renjun, Doyoung, there's a door on the third floor. It can be accessed through the veranda." Jeno said pointing at the veranda seen outside Diego's base. "Climb the veranda. Do anything you're capable of doing, just make sure you reach the veranda. I need the three of you to map the inside of the house."

Sueño and Genio were now seen inside of Diego's base, but a protected backdoor was in front of them, making it more difficult for them to enter.

"Yes, Cap." Answered Chenle and Renjun, Doyoung simply nodded.

Before the three members headed inside, Jeno pulled out earpieces from his pocket. "Wear this. We'll communicate through this." He handed all members of Genio and Sueño earpieces.

And just like that, the three started to look for a way up the veranda.

"This door is making me lose my patience." Winwin sighed. He was working on opening a technology-secured door.

"I'm trying to access it digitally. Doors like that can be accessed through a laptop." Jaemin voiced, holding onto his laptop. A smirk formed on his face. "Those idiots." He chuckled.

Jeno looked at Jaemin and gave him a nod of approval.

"Yuta and Mia, I need the both of you to stay outside while we make our way inside. I'll be speaking with you through your earpieces. Once I give the signal, follow us inside." Jeno ordered.

"Got it." Answered Mia.

Yuta and Mia instantly assumed their position outside of Diego's base. They separated, positioning themselves in dark corners where they can see everything but they cannot be seen.

"What can we do, Jeno?" Lucas asked from behind. Beside him were Taeyong and Johnny.

"You will come with us." Jeno replied, tilting his head towards Mark, Jaemin, Jisung, Haechan, and Winwin. "We will attack once we're given an update from the three—"

"Cap, we're in." It was Chenle's voice who suddenly rang in the earpiece.

A smile formed on Jeno's face. It was not genuine, it was full of desire. He was hungry for revenge, but he had to keep his composure around his members. The success of their mission depends on him."Good. Now map out the third floor, Chenle. Renjun, do the second floor. Doyoung, you do the first floor."


"Got it."

"On it."

Acknowledgements were heard from the earpieces of the members left behind.

"Damn. I think I'm in someone's room." Chenle whispered. He roamed around the luxurious room. It had a tall ceiling with a chandelier hanging from it. The bed frame was also golden and the walls were painted in gold and black. Chenle ran to the picture frames hanged on the wall. "Holy shit." He cursed.

"What's going on?" Mark asked through the earpiece.

"I'm in El Señor's room." He stated.

"Get out of there, Chenle. He's on his way there." Jaemin said.

"What?" Chenle raised an eyebrow.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now