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Her Point of View

TW: Sexual scenes ahead

"Jeno, wake up." I shook Jeno's body with all my strength.

I already knew he could hear but it was obvious that he did not want to listen to me.

"Jeno, the members are waiting. You have to get up, they're at the beach already." I tried to convince him again but he just opened his eyes, stared directly at me, and closed his eyes again. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "You know what, just stay here. We're gonna have fun outside." I turned my back against Jeno and was about to walk out of his room when I felt him pulling my arm.

I tried to pull my arm to myself but I only ended up getting pulled on top of him.

"Good morning," He innocently greeted.

I was about to get mad at him when I saw a big smile on his face. "Get up, dummy. Eat your breakfast and let's swim. The members are there already." I said, still on top of him. His hand did not let go of my arm.

"But my breakfast's here already." He said.

My eyebrows met in confusion.

I stared at him waiting for an explanation, but when I saw a mischievous expression on his face, I immediately understood what he meant. He pushed my lips onto his before I even got the chance to react.

I kissed him back and he let go of my arm. My hands wandered around his neck down to his body.

Before I even knew it, I was already below him and he was on top of me.

His hands went to the sensitive parts of my body until he reached my womanhood.

My breath started to fasten. For a moment, I forgot all that the members planned for today. When Jeno's with me, it seems I don't need anything anymore. I could just be a girl with no hidden agendas or goals.

My trail of thoughts suddenly stopped when Jeno spoke. "We should probably not... do this right now." He suddenly said, realization on his face.

I chuckled. "Yeah, we might get caught."

"But you're so wet already." He replied, tracing circles on my underwear just above my womanhood's most sensitive part.

"God, Jeno. Please don't do that." I said trying to push his arm away. It didn't move him at all and he continued on what he was doing with me. I bit my lip trying to contain my moans.

"I thought they're at the beach. Why are you scared to moan?" Jeno teasingly asked.

"Some... someone might.." I tried to answer but Jeno only fastens his pace every word that I say.

"Hmm? What was it?" He teased.

"Jeno..." I breathed out.

"You have to answer me Eight or I'll stop." Jeno smirked.

God, he makes me so furious and horny.

"Someone might b...be there... downstairs.. the beach is just across our rest... house... rememb...er..?" I said, having a hard time catching my breath.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now