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Third Person's Point of View

"Yeah... thanks to you."

Jeno frowned as soon as he heard Jaemin's voice from the outside of the recovery room.

'Who is he talking t—?'

His silent thought was suddenly disturbed as he felt his face muscles relax. "Shit." He cursed underneath his breath as he realized that Eight was the only one with Jaemin in the room.

He jogged towards the door and pushed it open.

Jeno let out a sigh of relief as soon as he confirmed that Eight was awake already. There she is, sitting on her bed with pillows as her back support. Her hand was busy trying to pierce the fork through the strawberry in a small container on her bed table.

"You should've called me if you've been trying to eat that way." Jeno scolded as he took steps towards Eight.

"What are you my maid?" She raised an eyebrow.

Jeno gave him a stare in response but he knew in his mind that he was happy: Eight survived. 

"Let go of that and stop moving for the meantime." Jeno immediately grabbed the fork wrapped in Eight's fingers, causing Eight's arm to follow his direction. Eight reacted with a hiss. Jeno was then startled by her sudden reaction.

"Did I hur—"

"I fucking have a broken rib." She cursed in pain and held on the spot of her stomach that ached the most.

"I know. I'm sorry." Jeno held in air in his lungs out of panic. "What can I do to make it feel better?" He bit his lip.

"A kiss, maybe?" Eight teased lifting both her eyebrows.

Jeno's gaze turned dark. "Stop fucking fooling around. We almost lost the both of you." Eight looked away out of embarrassment. But mentally, she was rolling her eyes.

"Yeah... but that didn't happen because of me." She whispered as she pouted.

'No fun.'

She thought.

"How are you sitting that fast?" Jaemin questioned with curious eyes.

"Well," Eight paused for she did not know how she would explain herself too. "Well... it just so happen that way. You know, just a healthy body." She shrugged and gave him a smile.

Jeno and Jaemin looked at each other out of suspicion but their doubt was cut off by another presence entering the room.

"You're awake!" Mark exclaimed joyfully. He had a smile on his face. Another guy was behind him, it was Haechan with his usual poker face around Eight. Until now, the members still don't understand Haechan's hatred for the new member.

"How have you been?" Eight asked Mark.

"I should be asking you that." Mark chuckled.

"Well, awful. What's better than a broken rib, right? Two broken ribs!" She jokingly said earning looks from the boys. "Come on! No one here has a humor."

"You're just stupid." Haechan whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. Jeno turned his gaze to Haechan immediately, causing Haechan to lower his head while Mark responded with a low "Hey."

"Whatever you say, pretty boy." Eight replied with her signature sarcastic smile.

The conversation went on smoothly for several minutes. The remaining members joined them making the conversation longer until a long silence followed and 'Beranios' was brought up.

"Those dickheads." Mark grumbled.

"Who are they?" Haechan asked with his eyebrows met.

"The one who did this." Jeno stated and pointed at Eight and Jaemin.

"Beranios...? How come I've never heard of them?" Jisung then asked.

"It was never mentioned during our training. They're the old godfather's enemies." The underboss explained.

"Did they not know that the old godfather was replaced a long time ago?" Renjun frowned.

"Of course, they knew. I just don't understand why they would attack us. We have no more business with them." Jeno said in a deep trance.

"So," Eight started. "No reason... but they attacked? Seems like war's coming." Eight lifted both her shoulders up but hissed once again when she felt her body aching.

'Damn these ribs!'

She angrily thought to herself as she forgot about her situation.

"You say it like it's nothing." Haechan scoffed silently.

"What else can I do? It's there already. That attitude of yours won't change anything." Eight replied out of annoyance earning her a dark glimpse from Haechan.

"Enough, you two." Jeno commanded giving both Haechan and Eight a glance. "We have to find out the reason why Beranios attacked." Jeno added changing the topic of the conversation.

"Renjun, we'll have to send you out on this one." Mark stated. Renjun immediately nodded. "Jisung, work on finding Beranios' base."

"Isn't that my job?" Jaemin protested.

"No, rest for now." Jeno replied and pushed his hand in his pocket.

"As far as I know, the only thing broken is my leg. My hands can still work." Jaemin insisted.

"Yeah, give him the job." Jisung naively smiled.

Jeno and Mark were heard hissing in attempt to shut Jisung up. The rest of the members laughed at the sudden action of the two higher ups.

"Why am I always the one to work on shit when somebody's not available? This is so annoying." Jisung pouted and frowned. He obviously was angry but he couldn't do anything.

"It's because you're the best in everything!" Chenle took steps closer to the younger one and ruffled his hair.

"Whatever." Jisung whispered underneath his breath.

"Find out before the gathering. Let's not cause any troubles by then." Jeno ordered once again gaining nods from the members.

"Gathering? What for?" Eight asked.

"It's an annual gathering, Eight. You'll get to meet your fellow Sueño members as well as your higher ups." Mark answered with a smile.

Eight's face heated up at his sudden answer. She felt her body slowly freeze.


A/N: Apologies for the late update :(

Comments and votes are appreciated! <3

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