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Her Point of View

As soon as we landed, we headed straight to our house.

Our plane ride was quiet. Jeno distanced himself from me. I'm starting to assume that he's getting suspicious, but my concern for Jaehyun is bigger. I decided not to ponder on it too much.

The boys got ready during the flight. Guns, ammunition, and explosives were in a box in the airplane. It was not just a plane for vacations, it was an airplane for situations like this too.

"Get everything you need in the house in 5 minutes. Go." Jeno ordered in the van and the boys quickly followed. They all rushed inside the house but I decided to be left behind.

While they were busy grabbing additional weapons, I took the time to assess my surroundings. 

I could feel my head pulsing and telling me to escape. It was as if the air was whispering in my ear that I should run now and go to my house alone. I did not want the members to know my story this way. 

I want to tell them my story when everything does not feel wrong. I want to be a hundred percent sure when I tell them who Eight is.

I sighed and in a split second, I found myself running to Jaehyun.

Yes, this is the right thing to do. Don't let Sueño meddle with your personal issues. You can solve this alone, Eight.

I didn't know if it was the right thing to think but I chose to convince myself that it was my only option right now.

My house was not far from Sueño's. I could feel my cold pistol getting colder in my pocket due to the air breeze. 

As I was running, my phone started ringing again.

I quickly pulled it out and saw an unknown number calling me. I am not the type to answer numbers that I'm not familiar with, so I decided to decline the call and push my phone in my pocket again.

When I finally had a glimpse of my house, I couldn't help but feel anxious. The only thought that was circling in my head were prayers for Jaehyun's safety.

Please be safe. 

Please be fucking alive. 

I ran to my gate and saw that it was already unlocked. My lock was shattered on the ground; they forced their way in.

No, I can't enter here.

They're expecting me.

I looked around and saw a narrow path that led to my backdoor.  I squeezed myself in and climbed the wall that was covering my way to my house.

Without a sound, I landed in my garden. 

I pulled out my gun and prepared for possible attacks while searching the inside of my home.

I entered my kitchen first and headed to my living room.

No one was there.

Where's Jaehyun?

I looked around and saw traces of blood leading up... to my room...

Panic and anger rose in my core. Someone entered my room.

I could feel my jaw clenching and my hands gripping my gun tighter.

I took slow steps to my room.

Why is it so quiet?

Where are they?

Questions started filling up my head until I reached my room. It was messy and my cabinet was open, my clothes were on the floor, and my plans were revealed. Pictures of Sueño members were there, together with the godfather and the boss. Jaehyang, the Beranios member, was also there. He had a red cross marked on his picture. I already knew that he was the one who knew a lot about me and my past. It was because of Diego that I was able to kill him. Sueño's mission with him was just a cover-up of my intent. 

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now