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Her Point of View

"Let go of Juanito, Haera." Diego calmly ordered once again. His eyes were latched onto my every movement.

"Where the fuck are you trying to take me?" I asked, pushing the knife deeper onto Juanito's neck.

"What do you mean? We're not taking you anywhere." Diego's eyebrows met.


"I heard them talking. You want me placed in a car—where the hell are you taking me?"

"We're not taking you anywhere, Haera. Please calm down, let go of him." Diego pleaded. Despite his calm front I knew he was worried.

Why would he be concerned?

I did not know the answer to my questions too, so I just pushed the knife deeper into Juanito's skin. Juanito groaned in pain and I could see the eagerness of Diego to step closer.

"Stay right there, Diego, or I'll kill this bastard."

"No!" He immediately shouted.

A smirk grew on my face. "Why is it so hard for you to let go of him? He's just one of your men, right?" My head tilted. Diego remained silent.

I pushed the knife deeper into Juanito's neck. Just a little more pressure and he'll die any minute. "Haera, no." Diego shook his head, he raised his arm, the same level as his chest, giving me a sign to calm down and stop.

But I won't.

"That's his brother." A familiar voice spoke from behind.

Shit. Someone's behind me.

I looked back and saw Zach leaned against a wall. His arms were crossed as he watched us.

He obviously did not want to join the fight. He was just simply there watching— he even looked bored.

Even I could not understand if he was an enemy or an ally.

"You bastard!" Diego shouted at Zach. In return, Zach chuckled.

I like this man.

I looked at him and our eyes locked, refusing to look away.

Are you an enemy or an ally?

"Bastard? How come?" Zach raised an eyebrow.

"You knew that was a secret! My secret!" Anger was marked on Diego's face.

"I'm not one of your men to keep your life a secret. I'm only here to do business. I'm not your puppet." Zach deadpanned. My eyes did not leave his.

This man was making me curious.

He smiled, almost like a smirk and winked at me.

I looked away from Zach. My eyes were on Diego once more.

"It's his life or my freedom." My eyes narrowed, both from the emotions I was feeling and the pain embracing every inch of my body.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now