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Third Person's Point of View

"What in the world..?" Shock was all over Jisung's face when he saw bruises all over Eight's face and body.

"Eight?" Haechan's eyes narrowed. "What happened?" He asked, moving his attention to Mark. Mark was about to answer when Haechan spoke again. "Actually— just answer later." He said and ran off to get a med kit.

Eight sat on the living room's sofa, her arm on her stomach. She closed her eyes and laid back on the sofa, her head looking up. "The boss fucked me up." She chuckled.

Other members were confused.

"What the hell, Eight?" Anger was written in every corner of Jeno's face. "This is not a laughing matter! The boss could've killed you! You don't know him— you don't know what he's capable of!"

Eight could only hear Jeno, she could only imagine how angry Jeno might've been.

"What happened out there, Eight?" Chenle asked and crossed his arms.

Haechan arrived as soon as Eight explained her side. "Well, for starters, I did not know that El Señor was one sensitive asshole." Eight started as Haechan brought out cotton balls and ointment to clean Eight's wounds in her face. "He asked me what my name was and I simply said "Eigh—"" Suddenly, a stinging pressure met Eight's wound which caused her to push away Haechan's hand. "Ow—"

"You're really stupid, huh? Didn't Jeno tell you to answer respectfully all the time? You should've knelt in front of El Señor if you had to. But as usual, you can't fucking follow a simple order. You're putting all of us in trouble!" Haechan furiously said.

Eight wanted to say something back, but deep inside she knew she was at fault. One wrong move from any of the member and the whole team suffers. Eight understood that kind of system and did not let her pride take over her.

She looked at the members and saw worry in their faces but some were obviously annoyed by her statement. Eight did not want them seeing her in a negative light, she wanted them to trust her after all.

"Yes, I understand now. I'm sorry." Eight was guilty. This time she knew that her apology was sincere. She was truly guilty, and it wasn't just for show.

"Whatever." Haechan mumbled and started damping on ointment on her face again. Eight felt stinging pain but did not react anymore as she felt like Haechan would be angrier at her.

"Finish that up. Have her to my office after." Jeno commanded and turned his heel away from the group.


Eight's voice rang inside Jeno's office, the door behind her slowly closing from her entrance. "Okay, please just let me rest for 2 days—one day, even for just one day and you can punish me all you want. I'll clean every part of the house, train for 12 hours a day for one week just let me rest first pl—"

"Stop talking." Jeno sighed and glanced at Eight. His eyes ran through her body, inspecting every corner of her just to make sure she's already fine. Silence wrapped the office. Eight stood silently as Jeno continued eyeing her. "He electrocuted you."

Eight simply nodded. Jeno had a blank expression but something in his eyes makes Eight wonder if he was mad.

"I'm fine now. It just stings a little. A little rest and I can continue missions sooner or later." She gave him a small smile.

Jeno stood from his chair and walked slowly towards Eight who was standing before his desk. "You worry me, Eight." Jeno stated, his voice softened, it was almost like a whisper.

"I know. Sorry." Eight replied and looked down.

"Promise me you won't do that again. Please, Eight."

Eight nodded, her head still bent down.

Jeno slowly guided her chin upward. Eight looked into Jeno's eyes who has been staring at her already. "Eight, please. Please be safe. I don't want to lose any of the members... most especially, you."

Eight felt Jeno's sincerity. She knew she had to listen for once in her goddamned life. She nodded and spoke, "Yes, I will be safe. I'll do better. I'm sorry, Jeno."

A small smile formed on Jeno's lips upon hearing Eight's words. The two locked their eyes for a while before Jeno had the urge to pull her into a hug.

Eight was now wrapped around Jeno's arms. "I'm glad you're safe. I was so worried. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, Eight." He whispered.

"It was my fault, don't say sorry." Eight replied as she pulled away from the hug.

As they stared at each other, Jeno's hand was slowly moving to Eight's neck. He carefully cupped her neck and pulled her closer for a kiss. Eight instantly kissed him back.

This was the type of conversation they were good at. They didn't need any words to understand what each other wanted. The moment they touch each other, they know— they know what they want. They know how to satisfy each other.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now