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Third Person's Point of View

"Eight, wake up. Hey wake up— Eight. Come on. Wake up."


She instantly knew it was Haechan in her room. Her eyes shot open and quickly looked at owner of the voice.

"Awake now?" He asked.

Eight was confused. It was one of those days that she couldn't remember how she slept.

"You've been asleep for 15 hours now." Haechan stated, his arms crossed. Eight's eyes widened in shock. "You even missed your shift at Skale. That will be taken away from your salary." He added.

"Shit." She whispered underneath her breath.

"Anyways, go down after you fix yourself. Dinner is ready." Haechan said before walking away from Eight's room.

Eight blankly stared at a wall, trying to figure out if she was dreaming or if it was real. That was until her phone vibrated due to a notification.

She picked it up and saw Diego's contact name.


I've got a surprise for you. You'll know when Jeno tells you.

Eight's eyebrows met. She wanted to reply but she was already curious about what Jeno knows, so she quickly fixed herself and headed downstairs.

"Good morning!" Chenle greeted with a big smile.

"It's already dinner, Chenle." Mark chuckled.

"I know." Chenle said.

"Morning." Eight replied nonetheless.

"I cooked Aglio Olio. Come, let's eat now!" Jisung happily said, his hands gripped on a big bowl with pasta.

"Looks good." Mark remarked as a smile grew on his face.

"How was your sleep?" A low and familiar voice rang in the kitchen causing every member to turn their attention to the owner of the voice.

"Oh hey, Jeno." Jaemin greeted as he sat on a chair.

Jeno gave him a nod but quickly moved his gaze to Eight once again.

"Good." Eight took that as a sign to answer.

"Is it just me... or he never asks us how we feel?" Chenle whispered and nudged Jisung with his elbow.

"You know, I've been suspicious of these two too." Jisung whispered back.

"Hey, what are we talking about?" Another whispering voice joined Chenle and Jisung's conversation. It was Renjun.

"These two..." Chenle pointed at Eight and Jeno who was now sitting next to each other at the dinner table. "Suspicious, right?"

"Huh? How?" Renjun frowned.

"They're always together... don't you notice?" Jisung asked, his eyes fixated on Eight and Jeno.

Renjun raised an eyebrow, trying to recall if he noticed any moment that the two were together but nothing popped in his mind.

"You're such an idiot." Chenle stated and walked away from Jisung and Renjun to sit at the kitchen.

"Come sit, guys. Food's waiting." Mark called.

The rest quickly sat on their respective chairs and began eating. Jeno, on the other hand, is noticeably busy with a brown envelope. He opened it and a smile grew on his face.

"What's our underboss so happy about?" Chenle smiled.

"Got a mail from the boss." As soon as Jeno spoke the others grumbled, expecting that it was a new mission.

"What's the mission about?" Eight asked.

"It's not a mission." Jeno replied.

"Why else would he send a mail?" Mark then asked.

"Why don't you guys read it." Jeno had a smile plastered on his face as he pushed his hand with a paper towards Mark.

Jisung quickly ran towards Mark's seat and read the letter with him. "Oh. My. God." He dramatically said.

"This is great news!" Mark smiled.

"We're going on a trip! We're going to a private island!" Jisung announced.

"No way!"


"Well, that's new."

Different reactions rang throughout the dining area. Jeno was happy seeing his members happy. He has been waiting for a break like this. Even if it was just 1 week of their lives, he knew the members needed it.

To him, Sueño are still children who were not given the childhood a child deserves. A simple break like this that can help them understand life outside the bloody depths of their work, is already enough to make him happy.

While Jeno was reviewing the other documents related to their trip, Eight couldn't help but wonder why Diego would give the group a leave.


To D: Really? A trip?

From D: Come on. Don't tell me you didn't like it.

To D: I don't understand.

From D: Take this opportunity to get to know the members. Gain their trust and surely we'll succeed.

To D: You're one petty ma

"You seem busy, Eight." Suddenly, it was Jeno's voice that rang in Eight's ear. Eight didn't noticed that he has moved from his chair to hers while the others were busy looking at the documents for their trip.

"Oh," Eight awkwardly smiled and closed her phone quickly, not finishing her reply to Diego. "Just searching something up."

Jeno nodded. He knew something was going on with Eight. Something his gut feeling didn't like, but he didn't want to overthink. Eight wouldn't do that to the group. Eight wouldn't do that to him.

He at least likes to think that way.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now