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Her Point of View

I took deep breaths, waiting for the whips from my childhood best friend.

I want to pinch myself and hopefully I'll wake up beside Jeno with his scent lingering in my nose.

I want to believe that all of this is not true. That Jaehyun is still the twelve year old boy I used to play with before.

But I know that wouldn't happen anymore. So, instead, I silently waited for the pain.

"Why me?" Jaehyun asked from behind, his voice deep.

"Why not? It's going to be more fun, right? Best friends turned to enemies. It's like a movie." Diego smiled.

You're fucking crazy, Diego.

"I know. But you also know that I don't hurt women. It's one of the rules in Berani—"

"Cut the bullshit, Jaehyun. Don't be weak." Diego immediately cut Jaehyun off. "I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head if you keep up with that attitude."

I heard Jaehyun's sigh from behind.

"Do it." I whispered, I was not sure if he heard me but I just wanted everything to quickly pass.

I gathered all the air I could and closed my eyes.

"Eightee! Mom got me new toys—look!"

I went back to a memory with Jaehyun. My heart was already contented with that thought in my head.

I heard as the whip moved with Jaehyun's hand. It landed on my back sending pain to my core. I shut my eyes close. I did not want to see Diego and his men's smiles.

I just wanted to see my best friend's real smile. Even if it was only a memory.


"Yes, Jae-jae?"

"A teacher in school told me that I should have a person that I will cherish for the rest of my life. She told me that it was called a 'best friend'. I figured that it was you." He smiled. "And maybe Silvia because she plays with us too." He whispered in my ear and giggled.

I tried to conceal the pain with every happy moment with Jaehyun. I could feel my hands trembling around the metal chain.

"You," Diego's voice echoed in my ear once more. It seems he was ordering one of his men. "Rip her shirt from behind."

"What? Diego, she's already hurt." Jaehyun spoke.

"I'm stopping myself from assuming that you still care for her, Jaehyun." Diego replied.

I did not hear a voice anymore but felt an approaching body towards me. A person grabbed the cloth on me and ripped it from behind, exposing my bare back that I assume had blood on it already.

I hissed at the sting I felt when the cold air from the room made contact with my skin.

"Continue." Diego spoke.

A few seconds passed by before I felt the leather whip on my back again. I arched my back in pain, my eyes still closed.

Think of something, Eight.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now