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Jeno's Point of View

I looked at Eight. The others were staring at her too.

Her expression did not change. Surely, Eight knows how to control her emotions.

"What is he talking about, Eight?" I asked, my hand tightening the grip on the metal baseball bat.

Eight rolled her eyes as if bored. "Me? If you're trying to get away by using me, it wouldn't work."

"But it's true and you know that!" Jae Yang opposed.

Eight's face was calm. It did not show any signs of nervousness but her hand was telling otherwise. She had it on her gun, resting just by her left pocket. One wrong word from Jae Yang and I know she'd kill him.

"Our boss—"

"Who's your boss?" Eight asked, cutting off his words.

She's either curious to know or she's buying time to change the subject. My trust for her was slowly fading. I was once again reminded that it has only been 3 weeks since she entered Sueño. She can't be trusted.

Jae Yang did not answer. He bit his lip in attempt to shut himself up.

Eight pulled out her gun and pointed it towards his head. "Who's your boss?" She asked once again with emphasis on each word.

"I don't know!" Jae Yang blurted out. Eight frowned, confusion on her face. The other members seems to be listening on the conversation now. "I don't know, okay! We never met him. All we know is that he's a guy. He's never shown himself, he works under a mask. We just follow his orders."

"And why did Beranios come here for me?" Eight questioned. Her breathing became heavier and anger was in her eyes.

"To kill you."

"You bitch." Eight whispered under her breath. I instantly knew what she was about to do.

"Eight, no!" I shouted, but it was too late.

Eight shot him in the head.

Han Jae Yang is dead.

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" I yelled in anger. I stepped closer to Eight and grabbed her by the collar.

She gripped my wrist and pushed it away from her. "Don't touch me." She warned.

"Why did you kill him, Eight?" Haechan angrily questioned. "You're so fucking dumb. It was a bad idea to have you on the team!"

"He deserves it." Eight faced Haechan. "He deserves to be dead. He fucking deserves it. All of them." Eight stated with emphasis. She was not shouting but anger filled her every word.

"He was our only answer, Eight. We could've gotten more answers out of him." Mark stated, disappointment running over his face.

"You want answers? Fine. I'll give it to you." Eight shot Mark and I a glare. "I have a past with Beranios."

The members were even more confused now. Even me.

Who really are you, Eight?

"They're taking their revenge on me because I killed half of their members even before I entered Sueño. It was two years ago. I was sixteen when I did it. And because I know that Sin Nombre and Beranios are enemies, I entered Sueño. I want to fucking destroy Beranios." Eight explained.

"Why?" I asked. "Why did you kill half of their group? Why do you want to destroy them?"

"Because they killed my brother."

Her Point of View

Beranios did not kill my brother. I don't have a brother at all.

So, yes, I killed Han Jae Yang to shut him up. Not because I was angry at him.

I watched as the members cleaned up Jae Yang's bloody body.

Suspicion still lingers on Jeno's face. The others? They probably believed it.

If I have to lie and kill multiple people just to succeed in my plan, I would do it.

Hurdles like Jae Yang should disappear from the very land I'm stepping on. I will kill every single one who knows my secret, even if it means killing a whole group like Beranios.

It's time to take my revenge.

And no one can stop me— not even a whole mafia group.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now