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Her Point of View

Another shift at Skale passed by quickly. We had no mission today as Jeno told us that they're the ones handling the mission already and that it's not a big deal.

By "they" does it mean all of Sueño and they're excluding me? A thought lingered in my mind that Sueño must've suspected me. I brushed it off and did not question anymore. I was just happy that there was no work today other than training, which became an easy task for me now that I'm getting used to their training methods.

"Change into your training clothes. We'll spar today." Jeno announced as soon as we stepped in the house.

"Nice!" Renjun exclaimed. "I'm ready to beat Chenle's ass."

"As if you can." Chenle glared at him.

"Hell yeah I can! Remember when we were fifteen and we—"

"Shut it, Renjun! You're literally a menace to my life." Chenle walked away. A small laugh escaped my mouth.

These two— always picking on each other... They act like they hate each other but deep inside they care.

The others proceeded to their own rooms and changed into their training outfits. Meanwhile, Mark and Jeno stayed with me.

"Yes?" I asked when I noticed that they were not moving from their places.

"Are free tomorrow?" Mark asked.

"Yes, why?" I curiously asked.

The two glanced at each other before Jeno finally spoke. "El Señor wants to see you."


When we stepped down the car, a big mansion greeted us. Only the colors black and gold were present in our surroundings.

I tried to stay calm but my thoughts were banging on my head. I could feel the pulsing in my head physically. I cannot bare to even think that El Señor might be someone who knows me.

I sighed and placed my hand on my stomach as I breathed deep. The black leather pants that I'm wearing seems to wrap tighter in my legs, and my black tank top seams to be squeezing my body.

"Don't be afraid, Eight." Jeno whispered on my right.

"I'm not." I lied and kept my face blank.

"Be calm in front of him. He likes to question new members, just answer with all honesty." I glanced at Mark who was on my left side. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

How the fuck can I be honest when I never said anything true about myself?

"El Señor is waiting." Suddenly, a guard with an all black uniform and bulletproof vest showed up. He had a golden phoenix on the chest part of his bulletproof vest. I looked around and noticed the same logo on every guard in their posts. "Follow." He commanded.

And so, we followed. We stepped in a door that had the same golden phoenix carved on it.

Inside, we were greeted by different workers in the mansion. There were guards, maids, and butlers. Most of the maids and butlers bowed deeply as we walked. And to my surprise, there were even kids as young as six or seven years old being taught how to shoot with a gun by their trainers.

We passed by a long hallway with different portraits. I could see an elevator by the end of the hallway. I knew we were headed there. But I studied the portraits first while walking, each with a painted figure of different people.

The first one was a family portrait. The second was a portrait of a young girl in a fancy Spanish traditional clothing. The third one was a teenage boy wearing a Spanish traditional clothing too. Another portrait followed, a woman who seems to be in her 40s was painted on the portrait too. When my eyes landed on the next portrait, both of my feet suddenly stopped.

It's as if I couldn't walk. My breathing became heavier and a sudden flashback rang in my head.

"You're a dirty fucking slut now."

"Girls like you deserve this."

He's here.

He's fucking here.

"Eight?" Mark called. I noticed how I was left behind by Mark, Jeno, and the guard when I stopped.

"Who..." I cleared my throat when it felt too narrow. "Who is... he?" Shakily, I pointed my finger on the portrait by our right. I tried to remain calm but it seems my body couldn't handle the emotions that is filling me up.

"What do you mean?" Mark asked. I knew he was confused, but he isn't my concern now.

"That's El Señor." The guard answered.

I wanted to speak but no word escaped my mouth.

My world felt like it was crashing down.

I can't breathe.

I can't fucking breathe.

That fucking bitch!

I want to scream.

I want to make a fit.

I want to—

"Eight." Jeno called, bringing me back to my senses. "Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes filled with curiosity and confusion.

"Are you still having a hard time breathing? Should we get you checked by their medic first? You're still healing, it may be because of your rib fracture." Mark stated. Concern was on his face.

No, Eight.

You're not the girl he took advantage of.

You have become a different woman.

You did not toughen up for six years just to be affected by this.

You're not the girl anyone could hurt easily.

You will face him.

You will play this game that you entered.

I sighed. "No need. Just got a little dizzy."

"We could get you check right now before we go up." Jeno offered.

I faked a small smile. "I'm okay. Let's go?" I walked towards them. I could easily sense the concern in Mark's face, Jeno, on the other hand, had an expression I could not read.

You can do this, Eight.

And so we entered the elevator and went to meet El Señor.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now