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Third Person's Point of View

From Jaehyun: Eight? This is still your number, right?

To Jaehyun: Yes. Need anything, Jae?

From Jaehyun: I need to talk to you, Eight. Meet me at 21 Nightfall Lane, Ravenwood Heights, Midnight District.

To Jaehyun: I'm on my way.

As soon as Eight hit send, she stood up from her bed to grab her black top and leggings. She also wore a black jacket and cap to blend in with the darkness of the night. She didn't want enemies of Sueño to recognize her.

As silently as she can, she escaped the house without alerting any of the members who were already asleep. She walked to the location sent by Jaehyun as it was just near their place.

When she arrived at the location, a hand quickly pulled her in a dark alley. Luckily, she was able to pull a small knife hidden in her belt and pressed it against the stomach of the person who grabbed her.

"Hey, it's me. It's Jaehyun." He whispered.

"You idiot! I could've killed you." Eight angrily said.

"Shhh. Lower down your voice." Jaehyun urged.

"Why did you call me out here?" Eight asked pulling her knife away from Jaehyun.

It took a while before he could reply. Eight could not see Jaehyun as it was too dark but he could hear him breathing, it was as if he was very disturbed and stressed.

"What wrong?" Eight pressed.

"They..." Jaehyun paused, his breathing shaky. "They found out about me... they know that I want to get revenge. They know everything, Eight." Jaehyun said. Eight could feel his misery.

She was left speechless.

"They're hunting me down. They will kill me the moment they find me." He added.

"Fuck." Eight cursed underneath her breath. "How the fuck did that happen?"

"Mia... We were together for a while. I trusted her but she betrayed me. I told her everything and she told the group. I'm such an idiot. I should've not trusted her."

Frustration boiled within Eight. "I want to hit you with a bat right now, Jae. But I wouldn't do that, because I feel like you look like shit right now. Did you bring a car? Stay in my place first, no one will find you there." She offered.

"Are you sure?" Jaehyun questioned.

"Of course, Jaehyun. You're my best friend." She smiled, but it quickly faded away when she realized that bringing Jaehyun to her place will be like bringing him to her life. Her real life.

Haera's life.

"But promise me one thing, Jae. Keep everything you see at my place a secret," she pleaded, her trust in him unwavering.

"Of course, Eight. I owe you more than just silence," Jaehyun agreed reluctantly. Jaehyun knew that he had no other choice but to accept Eight's offer.


"You have a nice house." Jaehyun remarked as soon as he stepped in Eight's house.

"Everything that you will be needing is already here except for food. I emptied out the refrigerator because I moved in Sueño's house. I have a few canned goods in the pantry that you can cook in the kitchen. You can just go to the grocery nearby tomorrow so you have some food in the ref—"

"Eight, it's okay. I know what to do." Jaehyun cut her off, chuckling.

Eight chuckled too realizing that they're old now. "I sometimes forget that we're not small children anymore whose routine was to run around the park everyday."

"I forget that too sometimes." He smiled.

"You can sleep here in the living room if you wanna watch TV before you sleep. That couch can be a bed." She said. "There's no TV in my room so it might be a hassle. Plus, you'll see my underwear there so you're better off here."

"Ew." Jaehyun joked.

"Rude!" Eight retorted.

"I'm kidding!" Jaehyun laughed. Eight rolled her eyes as a reply.

A sudden vibration from her phone caused Eight to pick up the phone from her pocket.

"It's funny seeing you hold a phone. I rarely see you using one. I didn't even expect you to bring it with you here." Jaehyun chortled.

"People change you know. Especially if you leave them for 6 years." Eight sarcastically said.

"Come on now." Jaehyun placed his hand on his hip and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm kidding." Eight smiled and finally read the message on her phone.


From Jeno: Where are you?

"Shit, Jeno's looking for me. I thought he was asleep already." Eight sighed and ruffled her hair.

"You better go now, Eight. You don't want him being suspicious of you." Jaehyun said.

Eight nodded and locked eyes with Jaehyun. He took that as Eight's hesitation of leaving him alone. "I'll be fine here, Eight. I'll take care of your house."

Eight gave him a hug and gently whispered by his ear. "Please be safe."

Jaehyun nodded and she knew it was her queue to leave.


To Jeno: Just stopped by a convenience store. Want something?

From Jeno: Just you.

Eight chuckled upon reading his message.

To Jeno: Idiot.

Jeno was all smiles in his room too.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now