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Third Person's Point of View

"Hold him down." Jeno ordered.

Sueño was now in their new house's basement. It was the first time Eight stepped in this corner of the house. Eight looked around and saw a dark room with only one light hanging from the ceiling, below it is a chair with leather straps that could trap a person on the chair. Her eyes wandered and saw a wall full of different metals. Metals meant for hurting people.

A torture room.

"First time here?" Chenle whispered beside Eight. He had a grin on his face. Eight nodded and continued on observing the members.

Jisung and Renjun placed Han Jae Yang on the torture chair and strapped on the leather straps on him. Jae Yang, on the other hand, was struggling to set himself free.

When Jisung pulled out the sack that Eight placed on the target's head, Jae Yang had both disgust and fear on his face.

"There's no point in trying. Even if you set yourself free from that chair, you can never make it past this room's door." Mark coldly said while organizing torture devices on the table.

"Animals! You are all filthy animals!" The Beranios member shouted, his eyes locking onto Jeno. Eight saw how Jeno remained emotionless despite a captured, bloody man in front of him.

"Let's make this quick, shall we?" Mark stated and looked at Jeno. Jeno instantly knew that Mark was asking for permission to initiate the questioning. He gave Mark a nod, which caused Mark to smile. It was not a genuine smile he usually gave his members, it was a smile of death.

It was a strange sight for Eight. She never saw Mark this thrilled for blood. It made her realize how much she doesn't know these boys at all.

"Alright, question number one." Mark started, grabbing a long-nose plier.

What the hell, Mark.

Eight thought. She knew exactly what he was about to do.

"Why did Beranios attack our headquarters?" Mark calmly asked, his gaze filled with darkness and revenge.

Jae Yang laughed.

He laughed louder.

And louder.

"What the fuck." Jisung cursed beside me, it was almost as if he was whispering.

"Their group is fucked in the head." Haechan spitted out.

"You think this is a joke?!" Mark growled, gripping the plier in his hand. "This is the only time I'm going to repeat this question— why did your group attack us!" Mark yelled, it was more of a demand than a question.

"I will never answer— not to you," Jae Yang averted his gaze on Jeno "or even you."

"Tough one, huh?" Jaemin chuckled sarcastically.

"Let's see where your arrogance can take you." Mark opened the plier and gripped Jae Yang's nail in the middle and quickly pulled out his nail from his skin. He was not satisfied. He pulled another nail out. The Beranios member wailed in pain as tears formed in his eyes. "Answer my fucking question." Mark whispered by his ear.

Still, Jae Yang remained silent. He silently cried while shaking his head. A sign that he would never answer.

Because of this, Mark looked at Jeno once more. Jeno slightly smirked, it was almost imperceptible that a person not as observant as Eight would not notice. It was as if they had their own language.

Jeno stepped forward and grabbed a metal baseball bat. With his now emotionless face he spoke, "You know, one thing I learned in this room is that I'm in control." Jeno paused. "And thing's get messy when I'm in control." He smirked and gave Eight a quick look.

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Eight's eyebrows met. Mark noticed this but decided to shrug it off.

"Now I'm giving you one last chance to tell your story before I bring your wife and daughter's head before you." Jeno threatened, a grin growing on his face. Jae Yang was once again frazzled, his eyes growing big in shock.

"How did you—"

"Whatever shitty image Beranios made of us, it's not true. We're far more dangerous thank you think, Han Jae Yang." Jeno walked around Jae Yang, dragging the metal baseball bat on the ground. The sound of its contact with the ground rang through the dark basement. "Now, tell me everything that we need to know before I get impatient. I don't need to tell you the specific questions, right? I'm sure you're not too stupid." Jeno chuckled. A chuckle that would echo in your nightmares. The thought of being on the chair makes Eight's heart tighten.

Jae Yang sighed shakily before opening his mouth. "B...Beranios at...tacked... bec-"

"Talk like a man! We can't fucking hear you!" Haechan yelled, his arms and legs crossed while sitting on a chair.

Jae Yang closed his eyes and his tears fell. He gathered all his strength to speak.

"Beranios attacked because of her."

And just like that, all eyes were on Eight.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now