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Third Person's Point of View

Another hallway greeted Jeno, Mark, Eight, and the guard as they stepped out of the elevator. At the end of the hallway was a black door with another golden phoenix logo carved on it.

"Feeling better?" Jeno whispered beside Eight. She nodded and glanced at him with a small smile.

He did not understand why Eight reacted that way with the portrait, at least her smile made Jeno worry less.

As they were walking towards El Señor's office, the elevator behind them suddenly resonated a "ding!" within the floor. This naturally made the four people on the hallway look behind.

The elevator door opened and revealed Lucas and Mia. Members of Genio. This made Mark automatically smile, Jeno was happy too but his usual emotionless face hid what he truly felt. Behind them was a familiar face Jeno and Mark saw during the gathering of Sin Nombre.

But Eight exactly knew who he was.

"He looks familiar." Mark spoke by Eight's right side.

"He was in the gathering." Jeno replied beside Eight too. "He must be the new member of Genio. It seems you won't be alone on your introductory meeting with El Señor." He added with a small smile forming on his face.

The thought of it made Eight calmer. If it was another person who'd be with her in the room, she'd still be nervous, but it was Jaehyun with her. Her best friend.

Eight's eyes stayed on Jaehyun. She wanted to run to him and tell him how she can't stay calm even with the thought of having El Señor in front of her. She wanted to complain and throw a tantrum in front of Jaehyun just like the old times when she doesn't know how to handle her overwhelming emotions.

But she knows she can't.

And she knew she had to stay silent so no one would know that they were related.

Jaehyun's eyes landed on her. His cold and uneasy gaze suddenly softened at Eight's sight. Eight became calmer at Jeno's appearance. It was as if his eyes were telling her that it's okay and that he will be with her.

"Ready, man?" Lucas asked Jaehyun as he gave him a smile.

Jaehyun gave back a smile. "Of course."

Mia, on the other hand, ran towards Eight. Her eyes almost gone due to her big smile. "It's you!"

A small chuckle escaped Eight's mouth. "Hello, Mia." She greeted.

"You guys know each other?" Lucas was now behind Mia, beside him was Jaehyun.

"Yeah, we met each other at the gathering. I gave her a cardigan." Mia said, causing Mark's eyebrows to meet.

"Cardigan?" Asked Mark.

"Yeah, I helped her because she got a huge hand mark bruise from a mission. You guys don't take care of her!" Mia said, annoyed.

"I'm sorry— what?" Mark was confused and his eyes landed on Eight who raised both of her eyebrows as if saying "I'm innocent, don't question me please.".

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now