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Third Person's Point of View

"Over there. That's her house." Jaemin said while looking at his laptop.

"I can't believe she left us. What the hell is she up to?" Chenle asked annoyance in his voice.

"Save your questions for later. Find Eight her first then we'll question her." Jeno replied as he sighed. He was starting to get furious with Eight. He did not know what to feel about her anymore. Worry and anger were all mixed up in his emotions.

As soon as the members reached the gate of Eight's house, they quickly ran to it. They all positioned themselves, entering the house with all members seeing all angles that any attack may come from. Jeno was in front, leading the team towards the house.

This time, Diego's men were already downstairs. The members silently took the men down, shooting them with silencers and slashing through their necks.

They then proceeded to look around and when the first floor was clear, they headed to the second. Where Eight's room was.

Eight, on the other hand, was trembling with different emotions.

"You're the leader of Beranios," Eight said under her breath.

Jaehyun and Diego's smirks widened.

"God, Eight. You seriously thought you were the only one who could manipulate people? I can see right through you." Diego laughed.

"You're the leader of Beranios?" A voice suddenly spoke from the door.

"Jeno," I called, raising my palm. A sign of telling him to not proceed with whatever he was planning. He had a gun pointed towards Jaehyun.

"Oh, great! It's a reunion of the deceivers and the deceived!" Diego mockingly said.

The other members followed inside the room. All seven of them were pointing their guns towards Jaehyun, Diego, and his men.

"What?" Mark questioned.

"Oh, right. Of course, you wouldn't know." Diego smiled and turned his attention to me. All attention was now on me. "Wanna tell them yourself, Eigh--? Oh, sorry. I keep on forgetting your name, Haera."

"Haera?" Jeno repeated. His eyes locked on me. "What is he saying, Eight?"

"Jeno..." I paused.

"Tell me the fucking truth." He said, teeth gritted.

Jeno has been holding back his suspicions towards Eight, but every time he would convince himself that it isn't what he thinks it is. It is only this time that Jeno was finally done with Eight's secrets.

Panic was in Eight's core. She did not like seeing Jeno angry. "I was going to tell you."

"Lies." Jaehyun suddenly spoke. "She'll never tell Sueño. You idiots are her target." He chuckled.

Jaehyun moved to the side, revealing the pictures in her cabinet.

The members were all in disbelief at what they were seeing. Just like that, confusion was no longer on their faces. It was just pure anger.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now