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Third Person's Point of View

TW: Sexual scenes ahead

Jeno couldn't sleep. He changed his sleeping position multiple times but he just couldn't bring himself to sleep.

Not when he couldn't control his desire for Eight.

"Why the fuck did I kiss her?" He questioned himself as he grabbed a pillow to cover his erected manhood.

He tried to calm down by controlling the pace of his breathing. He continued doing so until a knock was heard from his door.

"It's Eight." A woman's voice spoke.

"Fuck." Jeno whispered. Panic rising in his core.

Eight knocked again. "Jeno, open the door."

"Wait!" He yelled and grabbed a small throw pillow to cover his manhood. He then opened the door, hiding the lower part of his body behind the door. "Yes?" He asked, waiting for Eight's reply.

Eight furrowed her eyebrows. Jeno looked unusually awkward. "I..." Eight started but couldn't continue.

"Out with it, Eight." Jeno sassed.

"I can't bring myself to sleep knowing you're mad at me." She said.

"Mad? I'm not mad at you, Eight." Jeno said, a little chuckle escaping his lips.

"I don't know... It's just that, I don't want you to think that you can't trust me. You're starting to grow on me." Eight admitted, her hands fidgeting inside her jacket's pockets.

Jeno's face tensed. He was surprised by Eight's sudden apology. He always found her as a strong woman, apologizing didn't seem to fit her.

But Jeno was happy deep inside as this was only a sign that Eight's starting to acknowledge that she was part of Sueño—his family.

Jeno finally nodded when he fully understood Eight.

"Can I come in?" Eight asked.

"What?" Jeno's trail of thoughts stopped when he heard Eight's question.

"I said can I come in." Eight repeated. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Jeno answered. "But what for?"

Please go away. We might miss the flight tomorrow if you insist.

Jeno thought.

"What for?" Eight repeated Jeno's questions as if looking for words to explain her question. "I just... I just wanna talk." She smiled.

"It's late, Eight. We still have to wake up early." Jeno reminded.

Eight nodded, a pang of sadness rushing through her body. "Okay." She said and looked down, but as soon as she did she noticed Jeno's boxers.

His boxers that revealed his bulging manhood.

"Oh my god, Jeno." She laughed.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now