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Sin Nombre
- Name of the whole mafia group. This includes the units Sueño, Genio, and many more.

English Translation:

Third Person's Point of View

Eight entered the arena once again with her usual confident stance. Her long black hair waving from side-to-side as she walked. She made herself look extra beautiful tonight. Her bright red lipstick gave justice to that.

She headed toward's the gathering room's door and was greeted by a man in suit. A bodyguard presumably.

"Where's Sueño?" She asked.

The bodyguard bowed and replied, "Right this way, Madam." He stepped before Eight and she followed.

Eight walked through a pile of people who were mostly men. She did not like the view.

She let out a sigh of relief when she saw the familiar yellow floral dress. Mia.

Eight smiled at Mia and mouthed a 'thank you' to which Mia replied with a wink and smile. Eight wanted to smile but she wasn't in the mood to reciprocate that kind of energy— not now that her eyes locked with Alfonso.

Alfonso had a dark gaze lingering on her. Eight mentally rolled her eyes and looked away, following the body guard once more.

When she finally reached the table of Sueño, she was greeted with sets of eyes wondering where she went.

"Enjoy the night, Madam." The body guard stated. Eight slightly bowed her head as a thank you and sat on the unoccupied chair beside beside Mark. It was reserved just for her.

"Hey, where have you been?" Mark asked.

"Just fixed myself up in the bathroom." Eight simply replied and grabbed the untouched wine placed beside her plate.

"For 30 minutes?" Haechan questioned suspiciously.

"Yes, for 30 minutes. Clearly, you're not used to be around women." Eight sassed, trying to end the conversation with Haechan.

"Wow," Haechan scoffed. "Disrespecting the Superiores is not yet enough that you have to sass out on your members too?" He added, provoking Eight once more.

Eight stayed silent. Her eyes landed on Jeno who was sitting across her chair. He had his usual poker face and his hands were in his pockets.

Acting like he did not just hurt me. Funny.

Eight was annoyed to even reply.

"But what Eight did back there was satisfying. I wanted to talk back to that old man for the longest time. He could be such a bitch somet— ah, no, most of the time." Jisung giggled. Jeno shot him a glare to which Jisung replied with a sheepish smile.

"Where'd you get your cardigan by the way?" Mark whispered beside me.

"I brought it with me. In case I get cold." Eight sternly replied.

"I don't recall you bringing a cardigan though?" Chenle whispered on my right. He, surprisingly, was listening.

"You must've missed it." Eight stated boringly.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now