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Her Point of View

I have been walking for at least thirty minutes now. My legs were starting to ache from the tiredness I was feeling.

Different hands were still gripped onto my arms. Their hands were calloused and their bodies felt big due to how they handled me whenever I would hit and stumble on an object on the ground as I could not see where they were dragging me.

I stayed silent. At this point, I was just waiting for a bullet to dig into my brain or a metal baseball bat to come into contact with my head.

I silently prayed for a quick death.

"Lock her up." A deep voice spoke. It was then that I was pushed. I lost my balance and landed on a dry cold, rock-hard surface.

I heard a big metal material closing up. It seemed like a door. The next thing I heard were locks and chains clanging.

I tried to feel the environment first and when I noticed no more people around me, I pulled the sack out of my head, my hands still tied with a metal chain.

I blinked a few times but I still couldn't see anything.

I'm in a room with no light.

Not a single light, even from the moon.

Even if I opened or closed my eyes, the same thing greeted me: darkness.

Is this the end?

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now