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Superiore [Su•pe•rio•re]
- A title given to seniors of the group once they have turned 50 and are unable to work anymore.

Her Point of View

"Mark," I whispered while we were in the dinner table. He raised an eyebrow and moved his head towards my direction.

He hummed a "hmm?" locking eyes with me.

"I really don't wanna go to the gathering..." I sighed. "Wanna run away?" I smiled and raised both my eyebrows joyfully.

Mark tut-tutted and nudged me in the elbow. I frowned and gave him a glimpse before focusing once again on my dinner.

I looked around me and saw the other boys busy with their food. Jeno was busy too, but not with food. He had a frown on his face while pushing back the pages of the thick amount of papers he was holding.

"What ya have there?" I asked pointing at the papers he was holding with my fork.

"Renjun passed me these earlier. Anyone familiar with the name André Vargas?" Jeno lifted his head up before locking eyes with me. I felt my mood unintentionally change. My hand wrapped the utensils on my hand even tightly. Jeno looked as if he had confirmed something. "Eight," He called. "Mind telling?" He now had his usual expressionless face but his eyes were telling another story. It was as if he looked mad.

"No. I'm not familiar." I answered and averted my attention to the salad I was eating.

Deep inside I knew I was fighting a battle of emotions.

Jeno's hum was the next thing that I heard. Our eyes locked, he had his usual poker face. But his eyes was subtly threatening me.

"What?" I questioned.

Jeno released an evident sigh as he looked away from me. I frowned in response and focused on my salad for the last time.

"Hurry!" Haechan grumbled while sitting on the van. The doors were open as I hurriedly pulled down my short, black bodycon down with narrow shoulder straps and ran with heels towards the car.

"Where's Mark?" Asked Jeno. I looked back and saw Mark buttoning his inner shirt up while walking towards us. He then wore his coat before stepping in the van. I averted my gaze to Jeno and saw him lifting an eyebrow.

That confused me.

Throughout the ride, it was silent, almost deafening. It seems the boys were nervous. I silently chuckled at that thought.

I closed my eyes for a while resting and calming myself before finally hearing a voice.

"We're here." It was Jisung.

I looked outside and saw a big arena. It was in the middle of nowhere though.

What the hell is this place?

We stepped out of the van and the atmosphere was wrapped with nervousness. The boys must be bothered by the thought of the their seniors in the place.

It was unusual how no one was saying anything. Mark and I locked eyes urging me to give him a smile.

"Seems you guys are nervous." I whispered. Mark replied with a short chuckle.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now