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Weeks passed by and Eight still felt stuck with the boys. Training continued as she learned all of the members' forte. It was a rule in the group. Each one of the members shall learn the fortes of one another in case one gets killed. A back up is always needed in their field of work.

Eight excelled in everything; physical, technical, strategical work—name it all. No one knows why but she delivered perfect performances.

Now that the members are starting to adjust with Eight, over time some have expressed more feelings towards her. Of course it was still a bit awkward, but you couldn't deny that it has lessened.

Eight grew on Mark more. The duo were always seen chitchatting by the rest of the group. Sometimes Jeno would interfere but it was to call Mark for work, he's the strategist and the consiglieri after all.

"You're growing on Eight too much, don't you think?" Jeno asked pushing back pages of the hard copy report he was reading.

"We just have small talks sometimes. Nothing special." Mark replied.

"The boss finally sent our first mission in the cafe." Mark's expression changed. He look even serious now.


Target: Ezekiel Smith
Age: 32
Height: 5'11
Nationality: Korean-American

Ezekiel will be bringing a suitcase. The suitcase carries vital information about Seuño. Earlier this week we got the information that he has turned his back on our organization. He will be selling information about our group to the enemies. Bring him alive. You and your people have one chance.

Don't fail me again.

Mark shut his eyes and ruffled his hair. "I've seen this bastard before." He said as he stared at the picture attached by the boss.

"Exactly what I was thinking. At the gathering last year, was it? He wore a sparkling tuxedo. Always the attention seeker, no wonder he's being hunted now." Jeno scowled.

"We better tell them and plan." Mark said and turned his heel away. "Wait, uh," He paused. "Should we—"

"Join her in." Jeno was always the type to have no patience.

"You know sometimes, I don't know if you're an underboss or a mind reader." Mark joked, but as usual: no response. Mark shook his head and exited the room.


"Ezekiel? You mean the guy from Sueño's gathering last year? The one who wore a sparkling tuxedo?" Chenle chuckled. "Renjun and I couldn't stop laughing that time." He laughed, it was followed by Renjun's.

"Enough playing now." When Jeno entered the room silence then followed. Everyone became serious, it was as if the real deal was here. "Ezekiel will be at the mall right in front of Skale. Jaemin have already looked into his phone, he was messaging someone named "1", he seems to have made a deal with the person. One about exposing our information." Jeno explained and sat on a chair just near the group.

"What do you plan on doing then?" Eight asked lifting both her foot on the empty chair beside her.

"I don't know," Jeno smirked. "What do you plan on doing?" He teased.

Well that was a new side of him.

Eight thought to herself.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now