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Third Person's Point of View

"Name." El Señor started the conversation with one word. Commanding both Eight and Jaehyun to speak.

"Jeong Jaehyun, Señor." Jaehyun lowered his head as a sign of respect.

El Señor's eyebrow raised. "Jeong Jaehyun. Hmm. What a familiar name you have."

Jaehyun's heartbeat became faster.

No way he recognizes me. There's no fucking way.

"Se...señor?" Jaehyun nervously said, almost a question.

El Señor suddenly laughed. "I'm playing! Never heard of your shitty name."

Jaehyun was confused, while Eight was controlling her anger.

This stupid psycho!

The Señor continued on laughing until Jaehyun laughed with him awkwardly. Eight gave him a look as if asking 'What the hell are you laughing at?'.

Jaehyun raised both of his shoulders. 'I don't know. He's fucking crazy.'

When El Señor stopped, Jaehyun quickly stopped too and stiffened up. Waiting for the Señor's next question.

El Señor's gaze moved to Eight. She had a blank face, hiding every emotion possible. "And you, girl?" Eight tried not to cringe. She was not liking the Señor's tone.

She took a deep breath before answering. "Eight."

Without any warning, 10 guns were now pointed at her. The guards were ready to shoot Eight at El Señor's command. Jaehyun quickly grabbed Eight by her arm, pulling her closer to him.

"Did Jeno not brief you on how to talk to me?" El Señor tilted his head. His mouth turning into a grin.

Jaehyun spoke, trying to move the attention away from Eight. "Perdon, Señor. It seems she was not briefed by their lead—"

"He briefed me— he briefed me, Señor. It was mindlessness on my part. Lo siento mucho." Eight quickly cut Jaehyun with what he's trying to say. She understood how Jaehyun wanted to protect her by putting the blame on Jeno, but Eight would never let anyone harm Jeno.

She never understood why she felt that way, but it always seemed like the right thing to do. She knew that Jeno was always there for her. Saving and caring for her when she needed him. So, she knew that when it came to protecting Jeno, it was non-negotiable.

Jaehyun looked at her confused. Eight simply shook her head. They were once again having a conversation through their eyes.

'What? I was literally trying to protect you.'

'Don't you dare say anything else, Jaehyun.'

Jaehyun simply looked away in defeat.

"Eight," El Señor laughed and grabbed a black cigarette from a white box. "You know, you're a funny woman. So fucking funny. All the other girls here in Sin Nombre are just whores waiting to be fucked by me— but you? You have the guts, huh?" He lit the black-colored cigarette on his hand and began smoking.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now