The Adventure Begins! (SV001-SV002)

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So before we start, this is a sequel that happens after the plane ride from the end of "We Will Carry On (A Pokémon Story)" so there will be certain bits of plot that will be harder to understand.
Also some spoilers might happen in this so be aware of that...with altered things of course!

CarsenNight tada

SV001 Welcome to Paldea!

Ashlie: "Wow, Benny, Chuster, Lightning, look!"

*This here is 12-year old Ashlie Kether, a female with long black hair, brown eyes with asian semi-tanned skin, together with her partner Chuster the Pikachu,and their friends Benny and his Pikachu 'Lightning', they are about to begin their journeys through the Paldea region. Benny Reverra is a short blonde haired, white skin tone 13-year old male that went with Ashlie to Paldea.*

Chuster: "This is gonna be fun!"

Benny: "Let's get off the plane first okay?"

Lightning: "Yeah we ain't in the region until we get off this plane!"

*10 minutes later*

Ashlie: "Okay now we're out of the airport now, and we just finished calling the others that we're here, sucks that we accidentally left Chuster and Lightning's Pokeballs at home, but I'm sure we'll be fine!"

Spriggy: *pops out* "Man, I was stuck in that ball for a while!"

Croc: *does the same* "Calm down Spriggy, we just got here!"

???: "Hello there! I am guessing you're these Star trainers from Kanto that I heard about!"

*The see this taller girl tan skin girl with short black hair in a ponytail and orange eyes approach the two trainers. She has a Pawmi on her shoulder.*

Ashlie: "Yeah, I'm Ashlie, and this is my partner Chuster!"

Chuster: "Hello!"

Benny: "The name's Benny for me, and this is Lightning!"

Lighting: "Sup?"

???: "I'm Nemona! And this is Pawmi!"

Pawmi: "Ooh two Pikachu!"

Nemona: "Anyways, I also heard that you plan on enrolling in the Acedemy?"

Ashlie: "Yeah! We both are!"

Benny: *just nods and grins*

Nemona: "Okay, I'll lead the way, it's one of the duties I have as president of the council!"

*We see them walk off as Nemona explains some of the jest of the Paldea Region*

Ashlie: "You have two professors that are married? Wow, that's nice!"

(No, they are married in the game I think as you encounter only one per version)

???: "Oh look, new trainers!"

*A Wild Lechonk appeared*

(TerminalMontage: LECHONK! *wheeze*)

Benny: "You mind if I catch this Lechonk Ashlie?"

Ashlie: "Go for it Benny!"

Croc: "Alright, time for me to battle!"

Lightning: "Sure, go ahead Croc, all yours!"


Benny: "Let's start it off with Tackle Croc!" *Croc charges at Lechonk which knocks it back*

Lechonk: "Okay payback time!" *uses tackle back which doesn't do a lot* "Huhhhh?"

Benny: "Use Ember!" *Has Croc use Ember as it burns the Pig*

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