Recovering and Planning (SV050-051)

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Before we start the chapter, here's Ashlie's 2023 Halloween Outfit drawn by me, yes my drawing skills sucks:

Before we start the chapter, here's Ashlie's 2023 Halloween Outfit drawn by me, yes my drawing skills sucks:

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SV050: Goh-ing Heart to Heart.

(Hey HungjuiChiu, you and Glohe episode! Everyone, go check out HungjuiChiu/Ray's stories out, he's an amazing writer!)

*Glohe was sitting in her Community Center room in her pajamas the next morning, as she heard a knock on her door.*

Ray: "Glohe? You up? It's me Ray."

Glohe: *Sighs* "What do you want Ray...?"

Ray: "I wanted to have a walk and talk with you this morning if that's alright, there's something I need you to know..."

Glohe: *She sighs again* "Alright, give me a moment to get dressed..."

*Later, Ray, Ray's Lucario, Ray's Shiny Female Pikachu, Glohe, Cindervee, and Glohe's Grookey were outside the Community Center as the sun was starting to rise, and soon they began walking to Kitakami Hall...*

Ray: "So, the first thing I wanted to talk to you is...well, how did you find out about me being distasteful towards your Goh self?"

Glohe: "Well, I overheard you talking to someone about how you were hating my old Goh self before getting away from the door to be ready for the festival. The reason I heard was because you didn't think I bonded with my Pokémon..."

Ray: "I see...I'll address that later, but, why did you leave the festival at night without anyone knowing?"

Glohe: "Well the reason I left was because of the Ogre Ousting Game...see, my Pokémon knew what I was dealing with from Cindervee explaining it, so my Pokémon suggested that I show how close we are by working together in the Ogre Ousting game to show how close we are and how well we work as a team...but then you and your three of your best Pokémon go ahead and make absolute jokes out our score and Carmine's score which we almost beat to claim the best record..."

Ray: "Yeah...that was a little uncalled for, now that I think about it..."

Ray's Pikachu: "Yeah, that was a little, much..."

Glohe: "It hurt so much that you thought so lowly of me...I went to Loyalty Plaza as people tend to walk their for a sense of relaxation and let off worries from what someone said...I didn't expect that I would unintentionally cause the Loyal Three to be revived and even worse, I caused poor Ponyo to be brutally wounded in such a way when she didn't deserve to happen to her..."

Ray: "Yeah...that wasn't right...anyways, I think you could use a break, let's sit down on this bench near the hall where the masks were kept." *The group sits down, as Ray sighs while looking down.* "You know, I think I owe you a lot more than an apology at this point..."

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