The beginning of a V@uLt1N' v3LuZ@! (SV021-022)

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SV021 - Trying to Push Through Abandonment...

*Ashlie woke up one morning, and while getting ready for the day, noticed that two of the Pokeballs for her Pokemon seemed she opened it up, it just popped empty!*

Ashlie: "What? Th-these are the Pokeballs for Spriggy and Cycle...w-where are they?!"

*Ashlie and Chuster started looking around, as Cadet and Doughie got out of their own Pokeballs, and once they realized the already empty ones, they knew there was a problem. Liz somehow slept through all of this due to being out cold the whole time. Until, Ashlie noticed a paper...*

Ashlie: "Huh...?" *opens it, and reads it...*

Dear Ashlie, listen, we don't mean to be jerks, but things aren't working out with us, so we decided to let you go on without us as we've had massive bad luck with you recently...apparently Spriggy never lost to the Fire Starter until now, and I Cycle, the one writing this was undefeated until meeting you. But still, you may have trained us and the others a whole lot more than your partner, but we decided it was too much! So, hope you do well with your plan, but we're leaving!

Ashlie: *gasp* "W-what...t-they left..." *sobs, as Chuster is mad and tries to comfort Ashlie....*

*Later, Ashlie, and her now team of 3 are walking on the north side of the Great Crater, hoping they could find Cycle and Spriggy to reason with them...but it was in vain, so they decided to have a picnic...until this aggressive Tauros showed up and rammed into this rock nearby!*

Ashlie:  "Whoa, a Gray Tauros? That's the regional Paldean Tauros I must've heard about

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Ashlie:  "Whoa, a Gray Tauros? That's the regional Paldean Tauros I must've heard about..."

Chuster: "Yeah." *walks over* "Hello, are you okay there? That looks like it hurt..."

Tauros: "Erg, gotta keep training..." *uses Headbutt on the rock again*

Ashlie: "Hey, you're gonna hurt yourself, hold on!"

*Ashlie hugs onto the Tauros, who is angry as Ashlie tries to reason with him*

Ashlie: "Hey calm down, I'm trying to help you."

Tauros: "Erg, why are you doing that?!"

Chuster: *uses Brick Break which makes the Tauros stand down, as he did take a LOT of damage*

Tauros: "Ow...what the heck was that for?"

???: "Ashlie!" *Ashlie looks as she sees Penny from her Math Class appears*

Ashlie: "Hey it's Penny, what are you up to out here?"

Penny: "Well, Ribbon noticed you and led me this way." *notices the Tauros* "Oh, a Paldean Tauros, neat."

Tauros: "Ugh...can I train in peace?! I need to stop those beasts!" *looks in the direction of the dessert, and the girls notice this giant and weird looking Donphan and a giant rolling robot orb*

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