The Bear and the Ogre! (SV045-046)

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SV045: The Story of the Bloodmoon Beast!

*While Ashlie and Kieran were heading to the Kitakami Hall, Neo has this lady with indigo blue hair with blonde tips at the bottom run into him in Mossui Town, literally.*

???: "Oh! I-I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there!"

*A Hisuian Growlithe appears*

Hisuian Growlithe: "Perrin! You alright?"

Neo: "Oh, it's fine, not the first time someone crashed into me with their body...ow."

Glace: "Yeah, and probably won't be the last..."

Perrin: "Alright then...anyways, I'm Perrin, I come from the Sinnoh Region."

Neo: "My name's Neo, I live in Alola, say where'd you get this Growlithe from, Hisuian Isle?"

Perrin: "No actually, it's a breed from a chain in Sinnoh from close family friends for generations, and I was gifted twins from the breeding chain. My ancestors used to live in Sinnoh back when it was called Hisui, and Hisuian Pokémon were actually pretty common on the main land."

Neo: "Cool, so what brings you to Kitakami? I'm here to chaperone my friend's school trip."

Perrin: "Well, have you heard of the Pokemon Ursaluna? Apparently one with a red moon on it's forehead, has been seen in Timeless Woods?"

Neo: "I heard Goomba telling me about them, so you're wanting to go look for it, but you can't afford to do it in your own?"

Perrin: "Yeah but I'm not sure how I should ask someone to potentially go into dange-"

Neo: "Well if you want I can go with you for support, I am pretty strong in battle."

Perrin: "That would be very nice to do, thanks."

*They walk to Kitakami Hall where Ashlie and Kieran are reading the second sign.*

(The following text is directly taken from the Teal Mask DLC)

"The ogre possessed four mysterious, glimmering masks. It is said that depending on the mask the ogre donned, the powers of its cudgel would change. When wearing the teal mask, it could bring life back into withered greenery around it. When wearing the crimson mask, it could turn a candle's flame into a raging inferno. When wearing the blue mask, it could stop the very flow of a river. When wearing the ashen gray mask, it could easily break the hardest stone in two. Before the Loyal Three fell, they wrested away three of the ogre's masks, greatly weakening it."

Ashlie: "Well, that's a bit sad..."

Kieran: "Yeah, people say the ogre lives in the Dreaded Den on Oni Mountain, up there." *He and Appli point to the giant mounatain* "Still, so many people are afraid of it, I actually think it's pretty cool, especially considering that it's said the Loyal Three are Poison Types and no matter what mask it wore, it stayed a Grass Type, and the Crimson, Blue, and Gray masks only added a secondary type."

Ashlie: "Man, it must be really powerful to almost win that encounter...but still, it's probably very lonely up there..."

Kieran: "Yeah, if I ever meet it, I'd let it stay with us, it at least deserves a chance, I'm sure it's not truly evil..."

Ashlie: "That's sweet." *decides to be a bit of a jokester and grins* "So when can we move in?"

Kieran: "W-what?! I'm not s-sure that we would have that much room at home for you as well!" *blushing madly*

Ashlie and Chuster: *laugh a lot at his reactionp*

Ashlie: "Chill out, we're just messing with you, Kieran! I can be a bit of a jokester sometimes."

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