The Penultimate Guantlet! (SV035 - SV037)

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SV035: The Steepened Battle!

*Ashlie arrives at the Glaseado Gym, and just beat the snowboarding record for the Gym, for this she decided to switch a few team members around, so the cure squad for this was Chuster, and a special new addition since it was a three on three. She did also have Dontusks in case she wanted him to try.*

*Ashlie literally went through the whole slide down mountain thing in 31 seconds, and it wasn't all that hard...well Kord almost crashed but hey they did it first try!*

*Now was the battle against Grusha, who Ashlie was nervous since he beat her friend Alice not so long ago. Alice told Ashlie whatever she does, don underestimate him. Penny also decided to join her along with Goomba and Benny, plus their partner Pokemon, Goomba remembered that Alice's Pokémon are very fast and offensively powerful, but they extremely lack defensive properties aside from Sylveon, so Ray's currently helping her with that back in Kalos.*

[< In the WWCO series group, we stan: Ash(Fanon/Canon)xLillie(Fanon/Canon), Goh(Fanon/Canon)xChloe(Fanon/Canon), Dusk(OC)xAmaria(Reborn Fangame), and Ray(OC)xAlice(OC). But we also respect other ships like Ash(Fanon/Canon)xSerena(Fanon/Canon).>]

Grusha: "So, I heard about your recent success with battles recently...I used to be a rad snow boarder...but one big accident can cause everything to go downhill, just like how one mistake or unpredictable move can change the tide of a battle...just know I won't be going easy on let's just get to the point...Beartic, upfront!"

Ashlie: "I'll start off with something unpredictable then, Ape, time for your re-debut!"

*Ashlie's Primape, Ape appears, looking fired up*

Ashlie: "Okay, let's start it off with your new move: Rage Fist!"

*Ghostly energy surrounded Ape as he punched Beartic in the fact, only to meet an Ice Punch to the face, but this only made Ape use Rage Fist again, and again.*

Ashlie: "Close Combat!"

*Ape used Close Combat this time, which dealt major damage, but the weakened defense Grusha decided this was an opportunity...*

Grusha: "Beartic, grab Primape and use Earthquake over and over! Do not let up!"

Ashlie: "Ape!" *Ashlie kept calling for attacks, but Ape was unable to do anything, and constantly getting hit with Earthquake after Earthquake, and Grusha changed it up with an Ice Punch to finish off Ape.*

Ashlie: "Ape!" *rushes over to her Primape, but she sees that it's trying to get up, but can barely...*

Grusha: "Your Primape is poorly trained..." *Grusha mocked a bit, but Ape opened his eyes wide and got up in Grusha whispers* "Yes...release your full potential..."

Ape: "I'm not so weak bud, you're gonna have to try way harder than that..."

*Ape started to glow and launched a purple aura into the air...turning into an Anihilape!*

turning into an Anihilape!*

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