Pecharunt and the Aura King! (Movie Plot!)

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(Note from UltimateGoomba: "Hey everyone, welcome to the Pecharunt and the Aura King Movie chapter, this is a pretty long chapter since it's supposed to be a movie plot for this, so I hope you enjoy!")

*There's this empty void with a strange looking Pecha Berry doll in the center of it, suddenly the black circle of the doll figure has two white eyes in the center glow up, as the figure looks around, it hears a voice.*

???: "Hello, Pechora the seem quite tired..." *The doll, known as Pechora the Pecharunt starts to look around wildly, and notices this man in a black cloak with blood stains, with black and slight gray colored spiky hair, with bright red eyes. This man is staring at Pechora while holding a purple sword in hand giving off this sinister energy.*

Pechora: "W-who are you?!" *Prepares to fight, as the man laughs.*

Man: "My name is unimportant, and I'm here to help you retrieve what is rightfully yours, and even more than that, and all I ask is your help..."

Pechora: "Go on..." *Interested, as things start to cut to days later...*

Pokémon the Movie: Pecharunt and the Aura King!
*Later, things cut to Paldea, where there's an blimp that has landed on the beach near Nemona's house, as Ashlie runs to it with Chuster the Pikachu on her shoulder.*

Ashlie: "Come on guys!" *Eager to see some of her friends from the Rising Volt Tacklers again.*

Neo: "Heh heh, slow down a bit, kid!"

Kieran: "Wowzers, so this is their blimp of traversing the world?"

Glohe: "Yep, the Brave Olivine is what it's called."

*Eventually, all of them are near the blimp, as the Rising Volt Tacklers, both people and Pokémon, come walking towards the group.*

Liko: "Hey, Ashlie, Chuster, it's been a while since we last saw you! I see you brought your friends!"

Ashlie: "Yeah, we did!" *Notices this gem turtle in her hands.* "Whoa, who's this?"

Liko: "Oh right, you never met this little fella, this Pokémon is Terapagos, she's a Pokémon that traveled with an ancestor of mine."

Neo: "That's cool!" *Dusk nods, then suddenly, Ponyo who's waving shyly behind Kieran, seems to notice something nearby, and Ponyo seems to have gotten an uneasy feeling.* "Huh? What's wrong, Ponyo?"

Ponyo: "Something bad is coming..." *She looks around, and jumps in shock after seeing a Meowth hot air balloon flying near them, as everyone soon noticed it as well.*

Dusk: *Mutters* "Oh, you've got to be f****** kidding me..." *Suddenly, six figures jump out of the hot air balloon, the Team Rocket Trio, and then the loyal three, with Fezandipiti holding the Heartflame Mask.* "Is that Ponyo's remaining mask to retrieve?"

Kieran: "Yeah, it is.."

Roy: "Whoa! Who are these guys and those three weird Pokémon?!"

Glohe: "The two people with outfits with the letter R, along with the Meowth, are Team Rocket. They're bad guys who steal strong and rare Pokémon from other trainers. The three weird Pokémon with the purple chains are called the 'Loyal Three', or 'Lousy Three' as we call them because they're greedy thieves who stole three masks that belong to Ponyo and her human friend, along with killing Ponyo's human friend as well.."

Friede and Nemona: "Hold up...those three weird Pokémon killed someone?! ...jinx!"

Ashlie: *Sighs and steps forward with Chuster at her side, both of their eyes glowing blue.* "Why are you six even here? You want us to make you face another blast-off?!"

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