Self-Test of Worth (SV057-058)

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Happy Late 3rd Anniversary for the We Will Carry On AU Chapter!

SV057: Determined Alone.

*The students of Blueberry and Naranuva Academies along with their chaperones and teachers were enjoying breakfast at the Community Center, but suddenly, Kieran and Carmine rush in, looking like they just ran from their house straight to the cafeteria, after looking around, they seemed panicked!*

Neo: "Whoa, guys, what's wrong?!"

Kieran: "Mister Neo, have you seen Ashlie or her Pokémon?! We can't find them anywhere!"

Neo: "What?! I thought she was staying at your place!"

Ray: "Ashlie and Chuster went missing?! Okay, we need to find her fast!" *Almost everyone drops what they're doing to willingly say they want to help.* "Kids, this is too dangerous, us adults wil-"

Glohe: "No! If we work together we'll be able to cover more ground, we'll cover around the town and hall, you guys check outside of those areas, okay?" *Ray, Briar, and Neo seemed conflicted, but decided to trust Glohe on this.*

Meanwhile in the Paradise Barrens...

Ashlie and Chuster: *Walking through the barren wasteland while it's raining, Ashlie only brought Chuster with, but Liz, Liz's Pokémon, Stormbreaker, Fist, Leek, Cadet, Cycle and Kord trailed them.*

Cadet: "I don't get it, why are they like this, they almost never act this cold..."

Fist: "I feel like it might be my fault..." *Lowers her head as the others turn to her.* "I was barely helpful in that fight with the Ogre Clan member, and Leek got overwhelmed...I'm useless..."

Leek: "Fist, kid, there's no way Ashlie blames you...but why is she like this?"

Cadet: *Stops for a moment in place.* "...I think I know why now..." *The others turn to him.* "I'm guessing that Ashlie and Chuster after the incident down in Area Zero felt bad for not being able to save Sada and Turo, or their AI versions. And after a while, they might felt like they both now have a massive responsibility as Aura Guardia-"

Fist: "What are they doing?!" *They look over to see Ashlie and Chuster staring down Okidogi, who is now massive and towering over them.* "We have to go help her!"

Stormbreaker: "Hang on, slowly get closer, if Ashlie starts to get overwhelmed then we rush in and strike..." *They reluctantly get closer to the three, as Ashlie and Chuster were demanding that Okidogi hands them the mask to return to Ponyo. Okidogi however mocked them calling them weak and dependent on others....*

Liz: "...did he watch that battle...?" *Gets a flashback to how Ashlie seemed a bit silent after the encounter with the Ogre Clan member.* "Is that what's bothering her...?"

Ashlie: "You're gonna eat those words!" *She and Chuster jump up to Okidogi's face and punch it hard, which causes a bit of a mark on the face, before Okidogi slapped them to the ground. They got back up, and started to try and continue the fight, but they were unable to really do much because of Okidogi constantly smacking them before they could even try to attack.*

Liz: "We need to step in, Okidogi's hurting them very badly!"

Cadet: "Trust me, we will, we just need to come of with a plan..."

*The fight continued on for another five minutes, Ashlie and Chuster barely able to even touch Okidogi due to the constant onslaught. Chuster managed to land a Thunderbolt which paralyzed, but it was safe to say they weren't faring that well against the Poison/Fighting Type.*

Ashlie and Chuster: *Exhausted and struggling to get up.*

Ashlie: "You'll...never....get away with this..."

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