Well, Someone's Starting a Villian Arc... (SV049)

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SV049: When a Story Flips on its Head!

*The students of Blueberry and Naranuva Academies were still looking for Glohe, Ashlie decided to get Twig the Torterra out since her bird Pokémon were sleeping, and Owl her Shiny Noctowl was currently helping her mother out since it was one of those late night shifts again. Anyways, Ashlie was looking around from atop the trees on Twig's back, and noticed what seemed like a girl and a Flareon on their way to the Loyalty Plaza Monument in a bit of rage.*

Ashlie: "I think I see her at Loyalty Plaza.."

Ray: "Alright." *Alright then, let's get moving!" *Ashlie, Chuster, Ray, Ray's Lucario, Ray's Shiny female Pikachu, Kieran and his Pokémon, rush over to the Loyalty Plaza, as they feel this darkened presence as they get closer...*

Ashlie: "Glohe! What are you doing over here, we were worried sick about you!" *Glohe turns to them, she seems slightly comforted by Ashlie, but basically glares daggers into Ray.*

Glohe: "Oh, I thought that Johto Champion felt like I was just a weakling..."

Ray: "I'm sorry, WHAT?!"

*Glohe, Cindervee, and Grook the Grookey all turn towards them, as Glohe seems very furious.*

Glohe: "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, I overheard you said!"

*Glohe starts getting very angry...as her body as an intense fiery dark Aura, along with her Pokémon,.*

(If it gets blocked from this, people on computers reading this, go to YouTube, search "Karma Meme Instrumental" but start at 2:01 for everyone and stop it at 2:40.)

Glohe and her Pokémon: "You....ARGH!"


Ashlie & Chuster: "Guys?! Snap out of it!"

*Glohe and her team start fighting Ashlie, Ray, Kieran, and their Pokémon, as Ashlie and Chuster are holding back severely as they didn't want to hurt their friends.*

Ashlie: "Glohe, what's going on?!"

Glohe: "You really don't know?! It's Ray! He's always thought terrible of me just because he always has despises my old Goh self like those other worlds' versions of Ash do, he's always hated me!!"

Ashlie: "W-What?! Glohe's that's not true!" *Looks at Ray who's shaking.* "...Ray?"

*Ray suddenly has a shocked face, as he remembers what Goomba said about what countless versions of Goh had to go through, with the last one being in the Love and Despair AU, where he learned that Goh found out that his family was taken away from him before the betrayal, because Professor said that he saw Ash leaving Vermillion ...* (The song's at 2:22 to 2:25)*

Ray: "C-come on Glohe, we can work this out! Just because I haven't been a fan of your old self doesn't mean I don't care for you..."

Glohe: "You care about me?!" *Ray nods* "Don't even try that, you've always considered me the same lame introvert that I was when I was Goh! Don't even think you have a chance with those stupid lies! I don't want to hear it, YOU NEVER CONSIDERED ME YOUR FRIEND!!!"

*Ray looks down in shame, as he barely sees Cindervee launching a Flamethrower attack towards him, until Ashlie gets in the way of the attack with her own body, shocking everyone!*
(The song hits 2:40 and quickly ends!)
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Everyone: "Ashlie!"

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