SEASON 2: SV043-044: Reunions and New Horizons (Pun Very Much Intended)!

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(Before you ask, yes, the Teal Mask and Indigo Disk both are going to have solo seasons dedicated to them!)

SV043: Irasshaimase to Kitakami!

(If you don't recognize the first word of the title, it's the word "Welcome" in Japanese!)

*Ashlie was relaxing in her dorm room with her pals, including Liz and her Pokémon, when she suddenly got a phone call from Jacq.*

Ashlie: "Good morning Mr. Jacq, what's up?"

Jacq: "Why hello Ashlie, sorry if I'm bothering you, but I wanted to inform you that you along with Glohe have been chosen to participate in this year's joint school trip!"

Liz: "Joint school trip?"

Ashlie: "What's that about sir?"

Jacq: "Blueberry Academy and Naranuva Academy have this yearly thing where students get to go to a place outside of Unova and Paldea to go explore the world, and you and Glohe have been picked for a trip to Kitakami after an old student here, who's a friend of yours recommended you two go check it out."

Ashlie: "Oh cool, do you perhaps know who it is?" *She was just told she'd find out later.* "Alright, thanks Mr. Jacq, I can't wait!" *hangs up* "Everyone, we're going to Kitakami!"

Chuster: "Let's go! Adventure awaits once again!"

Fist: "You know this feels like something similar to the Crown Tundra and Isle of it's probably just me!"

*Liz hops into Ashlie's backpack, as the group heads off to the main hall of the school, and see this blonde haired lady with a Indigo outfit, seemingly waiting.*

Ashlie: "Hello there, are you from Blueberry Academy?"

???: "Oh? Yes I am, I'm Ms. Briar from Blueberry Academy, and you are?"

Ashlie: "I'm Ashlie, and I come from both Kanto, and Alola believe it or not."

Briar: "Oh yes, you're one of those students who someone recommended to join this school trip."

Ashlie: "Yeah, thanks for having us, say, do you know who suggested me to go?"

???: He's right behind you kid!" *Ashlie turned around, and saw an old friend with ice blue hair, and a Glaceon...Neo and his partner Glace the Glaceon!*

(Here's Neo new design Neo himself made with the power of AI, what? You thought Ashlie was the only one getting a retcon? Just pretend the cool thing behind him is Glace the Glaceon.)

Ashlie and Chuster: "Neo! Glace!" *The two tackle hug the pair as Briar just watches with a smile

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Ashlie and Chuster: "Neo! Glace!" *The two tackle hug the pair as Briar just watches with a smile.*

Ashlie: "It's been so long! I'm happy to see you guys! You were the ones who suggested that we go, aren't you?"

Neo: "You got that right!" *ruffles Ashlie's hair* "I also wanted to visit some old pals here again."

Jacq: "Ah, Neo, it's been 5 years since the last time you've been here, as you can tell things have changed quite a lot!"

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