Training a Fiery Spirit (SV023-SV024, & SVSP01)

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SV023 - Oceanic Oblivion!

Ashlie was getting ready for her hopefully Fourth Gym Badge against Kofu, the Water Type Gym Leader of Paldea.

Liz: "So Ashlie, who are you wanting to take? Chuster?"

Ashlie: "Well, Chuster and I decided Chuster should take a break from Gym battles to let the others shine, so it's gonna be Bull, Doughie, and Cadet for this fight!"

Liz: "Wait, isn't Cadet weak to Water?!"

Ashlie: "Yes, but type match ups aren't everything, as I sense a lot of potential within Cadet, and he wants to do this too!"

Cadet: "YEAH! I wanna show I can win without type advantages!"

Liz: "'s still crazy how I can understand Pokémon whenever I'm five or less feet away from you or Goomba, Ashlie."

Ashlie: "Just be glad you don't hear my mom constantly complain about Ray or Dusk's overuse of curse words..."

(Also, Dusk, Ray, don't take this too seriously, it's just become the running gag!)

Liz: "Anyways, um, it's getting late, we should probably go to bed..."

Ashlie: "Well, I did get a room, sad the ones with two or more beds were all sold, so I'll sleep on the couch, you sleep in the bed L-"

Liz: "About that..." *blushes* "I did do something with those arts and crafts supplies you were allowed to take with you..." *goes into Ashlie's backpack and shows this little apartment thing for Liz she made inside, and pulled it out, as it's like a cute doll house* "Ta-da!!!"

(Also, as to how things still fit inside with that apartment thing for Liz, Ashlie has her backpack and cap lead to the same hammer space...yeah. I mean it isn't annoying, you just have to think of the item you need to get and it teleports to your hand, and for how Liz gets out, she and her sisters let's just say can manipulate hammer spaces in this timeline. No, they don't have that normally, just wanted to give someone the ability to manipulate hammer space)

(Anyways back to the actually important stuff of story)

Ashlie walked onto the battlefield with Chuster sitting with Liz and the backpack on the stands, with Glohe sitting with them.

Rotom Drone: "Okay, this battle will be a three one three, with one switch per trainer!"

Ashlie: "Okay...Bull let's go!"

Kofu: "Time for my Vaultin' Vuleza!"

They send out the Paldean Tauros and Veluza respectively.

Drone: "Battle begin!"

Ashlie: "Okay, Bull, use Headbutt!"

Kofu: "Psycho Cut!"

*The attacks collide, as Bull brute forces through, as Ashlie calls for an Assurance, and while it does a lot, Veluza uses Aqua Cutter and Psycho Cut to send Bull back, as Ashlie sighs and recalls Bull, using her one switch out! She's unaware two Pokémon are watching.*

Cycle: "Is she going to battle without Chuster?!"

Spriggy: "Considering that one of her is weak to Water, I doubt she'll have an easy time without her ace!"

*Ashlie thinks as she sends out her Dachsbun Doughie, who also struggles, as Ashlie gets an idea as another Aqua Cutter is getting prepared.

Ashlie: "Doughie, jump over Veluza!"

Doughie: "Okay then!" *jumps over the Veluza as it uses Aqua Cutter, only for the Aqua Cutter to miss and fall right on top of Veluza.*

Ashlie: "Now, use Play Rough!" *Doughie uses Play Rough, and slams the spiked fish into the ground, KO'd!*

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