Aftermath! Ogerpon's Trainer? (SV061-062)

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Before we start, it's Glohe's canonical birthday today!

Before we start, it's Glohe's canonical birthday today!

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SV061: Elite Level Threat!

*Weeks after the events of the Pecharunt situation, Ashlie and Chuster were out in the main hall of Naranuva Acamdey, when they were called into Director Clavell's office to meet some people there.*

Liz: "Oh boy, maybe it's good news?"

Ashlie: *Sighs.* "Well, better go check that out..." *She sighs as they go to the Director's office, and see Larry who's cracking a very slight smile, her art teacher, Hassel, a young girl with black hair, and this tall slim lady with green hair.* "Oh, um...hello?"

Clavell: "Hello Ashlie, good morning. Sorry about the two new faces, they're from the Elite Four of Paldea."

Ashlie: "The Elite Four? I see, I also noticed Mr Hassel and Medali Gym Leader Larry are here as well!" *She and Chuster smile a bit.*

Hassel: "Oh yeah, we're also part of the Elite Four as well." *Ashlie and Chuster look at Hassel with a shocked look.* "Yeah, I can't believe I didn't tell you that, heh." *The little girl rushes up to Ashlie with a bit of a smile.*

Girl: "Hai! I'm Poppy, happy to meet you!" *Smiles in adorable fashion, as the green haired lady introduces herself as Rika.*

Ashlie: "It's nice to meet you two, so, what's going on?" *Rika seems a bit worried and sighs.*

Rika: "See, recently, we've gotten word that Geeta has recently escaped from prison.."

Ashlie and Chuster: "...WHAT?!"

Poppy: "Geeta, she's been scared in there, of hurting something is being bossy!"

Ashlie: "Hold on, start from the beginning!"

Rika: "Alright, around two years ago, me and Geeta went into Area Zero as the Professors needed some help dealing with the overwhelming Terastal energy. Geeta was conflicted as the last time one person of her family went there, they got killed, but she went anyways. When we got there, Geeta and her Kingambit were attacked by the Winged King and Iron Serpent, or as they're called: Koraidon and Miraidon."

Poppy: "I wanted to go, but Geeta said it was a bad pwace."

Ashlie: "Yeah, it's pretty dangerous..."

Rika: *Continues.* "They fought, but the Koraidon and Miraidon sent them into this black colored crystal with purple flames around it, as they started to slowly lose control of theirselves, like something was puppeteering them." *Lowers her head.* "Don't tell Arven this, but Geeta and Kingambit in that state, were the ones to finish the real professors...I managed to escape, but that was because Geeta was able to snap out of her corrupted state, if you look at her eyes, normally they're blue, but when corrupted, they're completely black, then the Arven and Mabosstiff incident happened weeks later. Anyways, a few days ago, Geeta said she and Kingambit were struggling to regain control, and told me to warn you and the Director."

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