Mind Games! (SV030-SV032)

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SV030 - Struggle of the Psychic Battle!

*Ashlie was just finishing playing a game of Just Dance for her Gym Test, and was deciding her team for Psychic Types, the team she picked was Cadet, Spriggy, Doughie, and Cycle. Chuster wanted to let Cycle and Spriggy try to join in the Gym roster again. Bull wanted to check out the Kanto Region so Ashlie is having him be with her mom Delia.*

Ashlie: "Let's do this..." *Walks to her side of the field as Nemona and Pawmo watch as Tulip the Psychic Gym Leader appears*

Tulip: "You better be ready for a fashionable Psychic battle darling~"

Ashlie: *Confused* "Umm okay?"

*Ashlie sends out Cadet to start, as Tulip leads with Espathra*

Rotom Drone: "Battle begin!"

Ashlie: "Start with Flame Charge!"

Tulip: "Quick Attack!"

*The two attacks start clashing, but both seem to increasing in speed together*

Ashlie: "How is it so much faster?!"

Tulip: "Opportunist. Any stat boosts you do get copied. Lumina Crash!"

*Cadet is hit with Lumina Crash, but Ashlie orders a Flamethrower as Cadet launches a fiery blast that manages to take out the ostrich Pokémon because of the constant hits. As Tulip sends out Gardevior, Ashlie stays with Cadet and orders another Flamethrower, only for Gardevior to dodge gracefully and land a Shadow Ball to take out Cadet*

Ashlie: "Cadet! You okay?"

Cadet: "Yeah, I'm tired though...I did good though..."

*Ashlie sends out Doughie next, who was hit with a painful Psychic before landing a Play Rough. This went on for a bit before Doughie used Ice Fang to try and finish off Gardevior but got struck by Moonblast! Ashlie then sent out Cycle who used Quick Attack to finish off Gardevior.*

Tulip: "Florgess!" *She sends out the Fairy Type and Terastalizes it into Psychic, so Ashlie calls for Shed Tail, which helps get Spriggy in safely, only for the sub to be instantly broken!*

Ashlie: "Spriggy, use Bite, then Seed Bomb!" *Spriggy does those attacks, but Florgess seems fine as it uses Fairy and Psychic attacks to weaken Spriggy, eventually, Spriggy needs to swap out for Cycle, who uses Dragon Claw to hitnFlorgess, only for a point blank Moonblast to take him out!* "Oh no..."

Tulip: "Three down, one to go for us dear."

Ashlie sends back out Spriggy, who launches a Seed Bomb to block Moonblast, then lands a Bite to finish the battle, when suddenly, Spriggy started to glow from hitting the limit...and evolves!*

Rotom Dex: "Meowscarada, the Magician Pokémon. A Grass and Dark Type! This Pokémon uses the reflective fur lining its cape to camouflage the stem of its flower, creating the illusion that the flower is floating."

Tulip: *Sends out Farigiraf, as Ashlie Terastalizes Spriggy and orders Seed Bomb, only for it to be an exploding flower, as it turns out to be Flower Trick. Spriggy also turned the Dark Type energy from Bite to learn Night Slash! Despite this, they were still at a massive disadvantage. However, right when the giraffe was about to finish Spriggy off, Ashlie ordered her to throw Night Slash, which send Farigiraf flying back, and finished the battle with Flower Trick! Winning Ashlie the battle.*

Ashlie: "Thanks for the amazing battle, Tulip."

Tulip: "Anytime, good luck with the rest of the Gyms!"

*Ashlie and her gang left, as meanwhile at the Ice Gym...*

Ref: "Altaria is unable to battle, Pikachu wins, which means the match goes Benny Reverra, the challenger!"

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