Friends New and Old (SV003 - SV004)

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SC003: Toxins and Fire! (Benny focused episode)

Benny was out one evening in the South Provence looking for a new friend possibly as Lightning and Croc were wanting to meet some new buddies, and they encountered this brown looking Wooper walking around.

Benny: "Whoa, is that a regional form of Wooper?"

Croc: "Yeah, it's Paldean Wooper." *Benny looks at his Pokédex App*

Pokédex: "Wooper, Paldean Form. A Ground and Poison Type. After losing a territorial struggle, Wooper began living on land. The Pokémon changed over time, developing a poisonous film to protect its body."

Benny: "So it's a Poison Type in this region, well seems it gained more than a simple weakness to Grass and Freeze Dry to remove that double Grass weakness..."

Wooper: "Oh look this boy brought an Electric Type and a Fire Type! This will be an easy victory!"

Benny: "Hey! Type Advantages aren't everything!" *Wooper is stunned* "Yeah, I can understand Pokémon, deal with it!"

Wooper: "TAKE THIS!" *Uses Mud Shot*

Croc: "How 'bout no?!" *Uses Ember to blow it up*

Wooper: *closes in and uses Poison Tail* "Gotcha!" *Croc goes flying into the air*

Croc: "Ow..." *struggles to get up* "You won't get away jerk..." *Uses Bite, only for it to catch the Poison tail which poisons* "MMPH!"

Wooper: "Later!" *uses Mud Shot right in the face*

Croc: "WHOA!!!" *falls in the water but floats* "How am I not drowning?"

Benny: "No clue my friend!" 😅

Lightning: "Payback time jerk!" *uses Surf, only for it to seem to heal* "HUH?!"

Wooper: "My ability is Water Absorb."

Benny: "Huh, neat..."

Wooper: *uses Mud Shot only for Hog the Lechonk to come out after Lightning dodges it barely*

Hog: "Ey what's happening y'all?!" *Looking at Wooper* "Oh, g'day mate!"

Wooper: "Oh, hey Lechonk."

Benny: "Um, what's going on?"

Hog: "Not much, how about we just relax and camp out, it's gettin' dark now."

Benny: "Good idea," *looks at Wooper* "If you want, you're happy to join us."

Wooper: "I'm good, but I can hang out for a bit."

*The gang of five was hanging out outside the tent as they were starting to get along well, mostly...and Miraidon was just taking a nap in the tent. But Croc looked worried.*

Lightning: "Croc really seems upset with Wooper, everything alright you think?"

Benny: "He might be jealous that Wooper has an ability that turns his Water Weakness into an Immunity... I better make sure though.." *walks over to Croc who's sitting alone* "Hey Croc, everything alright?"

Croc: "'s just I feel like I'm very weak..." *Benny and Lightning are shocked by this response and sit next to him *

Benny: "Croc, why would you just assume that?"

Lightning: "Yeah, why would you think that?"

Croc: "I only had three fights so far, one was against Hog when he was wild still, that Battle Royal where I lost to that grass cat, and now I lost to a Wooper that is normally weak to Water, but has an ability that heals when a Water Attack hits instead!"

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