Battles and... an Otherworldly Encounter? (SV053-SV054)

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This chapter is for my good friend Ray Chiu! I hope you enjoy the chapter Ray!

SV053: Contrasting Auras.

*Benny and his Arboliva named Olive, were facing down Alice and her Mimikyu to start a 3-on-3 at the Battle Chateau. Right away Mimikyu started to zip around at insane speeds.*

Benny: "Alright, remember the plan..." *Both he and Olive took a deep breath.*

Alice: "Use Play-Scissorto start us off!" *Mimikyu launched herself to Olive and smacked it with Play Rough and X-Scissor, which hurt a lot, but Olive seemed to focus on something else while Grassy Terrain was set by Seed Sower.*

Benny: "Use Energy Ball!" *Olive launched it by Mimikyu slashed it with Shadow Claw!* "Should've expected that.."

Alice: "Play-Scissor again!" *The Ghost/Fairy started rushing to Olive as high speeds.*

Benny: "Wait for it..." *Mimikyu was starting to attack in a fierce manner.* "NOW!"

Olive: "Gotcha!" *Uses her branches to suddenly grab Mimikyu in the middle of her attack before she could react!*

Alice & Kyu: "HUH?! How?!"

Benny: "You didn't think we wouldn't have a plan to deal with your speed, did you? Charge up Solar Blade!" *Olive charged up Solar Blade with her other branch as Mimikyu struggled to escape.*

Alice: {Mind: Dang it...if Mimikyu doesn't get out fast, it's very possible that Benny's Arboliva will simply choose to use Solar Blade in a way that won't hit Mimikyu's desguise, meaning she won't get be able to withstand the attack...'} "Mimikyu, use X-Scissor to free yourself!"

Kyu: "Got it!" *Uses X-Scissor on Olive's right branch that held her captive, but Olive was done charging up Solar Blade, and slammed it on Mimikyu, who was still using X-Scissor. The attack didn't knock out Mimikyu due to it, but it still did a lot of damage even with Disguise being taken into account!*

Alice: "Mimikyu, return!" *Recalls her Mimikyu.* "You'll get another shot, rest up for now!* "Turns to another Pokéball, and throws it.* "Beartic you're up!"

*A Beartic appeared that seemed ready for some action, Beartic looked at Olive and smirked.*

Benny: "A Beartic, well I'm sticking with Olive! Use Facade!"

Alice: "Use Ice Punch!" *The two attacks clashed, as Olive got the worst of it, followed by a Thrash to follow suit. It also seemed like Ics Punch inflicted Frostbite, as Olive swung with another Facade before going down.* "Dang, that was tough..."

Benny: "Well, I hope you're ready for my next Pokémon, go Shellster!" *Sends out the Former-Titan Klawf!* "Get ready to use Rock Slide!"

Alice: "Get ready to dodge Icicle!" *Beartic nods, but Benny grins.*

Benny: "Now, jump up and use Rock Slide at the battlefield! Then slam down with Stone Edge at the Beartic!" *Shellster gave a wide smile before jumping up, sending a bunch of rocks at the battlefield, then using Stone Edge towards the bear, who quickly tries to dodge, but tripped on of the rocks from Rock Slide, leading to Benny having his Klawf jump at Beartic and keeping up the pressure with X-Scissor!*

Alice: "Those rocks are going to be a problem if we don't dispose of them, use Icicle Crash to get rid of the rocks, Beartic!" *Her Beartic started using Icicle Crash on the rocks, but Shellster started launching Rock Smash after Rock Smash on it. Beartic hung tough and managed to get rid of most of the rocks, before using Icicle Crash right at Shellster, which did a lot, but he still went down from all the damage..Benny decided to make his one switch of the match, and their next Pokémon were...*

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