The Festival Begins! (SV047-48)

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SV047: Doubles with Carmine!

*Ashlie and Kieran were heading down to Kitakami Hall, however Ponyo wanted to stay near some trees since she didn't want to be spotted by other people. So Ashlie and Kieran, plus their Pokémon headed to Kieran's house to get ready for the Festival of Masks.*

Ashlie: "Alright, so we'll get to your place, have dinner, and then get prepared for the festival, right?"

Kieran: "Right."

*The group does just that, as Ashlie gets introduced to Kieran and Carmine's family while given a tour of the whole house. After eating dinner, they get dressed for the festival, with Carmine and Kieran waiting for Ashlie with their grandfather.*

Ashlie: "Ready!" *Opens the door and walks out with an outfit her mom in Kanto (Aurora/Delia) made herself, and Carmine walks from the shed looking upset when she notices Ashlie walking outside with Chuster behind her*

Ashlie: "Ready!" *Opens the door and walks out with an outfit her mom in Kanto (Aurora/Delia) made herself, and Carmine walks from the shed looking upset when she notices Ashlie walking outside with Chuster behind her*

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Ashlie: "Ta-da! What do you think? My mom made it herself when she heard about the festival."

Kieran: "It looks great! Umm, w-what do you think sis..?"

Carmine: "Well, green isn't my favorite color, but I think it looks pretty nice honestly."

Ashlie: "Thanks! Anyways, should we get going?"

Carmine: "Well...yeah, I was looking for three masks since you know, it's the Festival of Masks, however I could only find two, one of which being Kieran's favorite, I could've sworn there was at least three in there, sorry Ashlie..."

Kieran's Grandfather: "Yeah, she was looking so intently, that honestly I was worried she was gonna tear the shed to pieces unless she found a third one..."

Ashlie: "Hey, no need to worry, I have my own money, I'm sure I can buy my own when we get to festival, but still, I really appreciate you going through such effort to not make it like I'm being left out. Thanks Carmine."

Carmine: "No problem, say I heard you're really good at battling, and we still have time before the festival starts. Want to have a battle with me before we go, Ashlie?"

Ashlie: "Sure. I'd be down for that, we have some time!"

*The two get ready at the battlefield in the back, as Kieran, Glar, and Appli watch, wondering how this battle will go...*

Ashlie: "So, how about two versus two double battle?"

Carmine: "Yeah, I heard double battles can be very rare, however we students at Blueberry Academy have a lot of double battles."

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