Return to Paldea! (SV059-060)

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SV059: Familiar Locations, New Adventures!

*Ashlie and most of the group were hanging out at Apple Hills, when Ray and Neo approached seeming a bit bummed out.*

Ashlie: "Neo, Ray, what's the matter?"

Neo: "Well, to sum it up, Briar told the directors of both Naranuva and Blueberry Academies about the Loyal Three and Ogre Eradication Clan situations, and they both decided on what to do, but it's pretty unfortunate..."

Ray: "Basically while we didn't tell them about you interfering with the Loyal Three and clan, they both decided it's best if we end the trip early, unfortunately." *The others are shocked about this.* "Besides, Briar did say she wanted to do some researching back at Blueberry.."

Ashlie: "But that means we're going to have to part ways now, and I'm not ready to say goodbye to them..."

Carmine: "Yeah, look, I may have been a jerk at first, but I feel like I really warmed up to you now!"

Ponyo: "And...w-what about the Loyal Three?! Wh-what if they come back?!"

Neo: "Hang on, calm down, there is some good news.." *Sighs as the others turn to him.* "Blueberry Academy's Director, Cyrano, said if you want, he can give tickets for Kieran, Carmine, and Ponyo to head to Paldea with us, and have Kieran and Carmine be exchange students at Naranuva Academy." *The others seem shocked and happy about that.* "He did also say that two other students from Blueberry Academy that Kieran and Carmine are familiar with would be joining in Paldea as well!"

Chuster: "Oooh!"

Glohe: "That sounds amazing!" *Turns to Carmine and Kieran.* "Well? What do you guys say? Want to head to Paldea?"

Carmine: "I think that would be amazing!" *Giggles, as Kieran seems nervous, but eventually agrees.*

Kieran's Grandfather: "Yes, you all should head to Paldea, I think it's safer for you to go there anyways, to avoid being at risk of so many threats."

Carmine: "Thanks Gramps." *She and Kieran give their grandparents a tight hug, as later, they catch a flight to Paldea, and Neo decides to head with them, Ray says he needs to check a few things so he wasn't able to go, but he did say some old friends that some of them know, would meet them outside the airport.*

The next morning in the Levincia Airport.

Kieran: "Wowzers, so this is Paldea.."

Ashlie: "Yep!" *They get into the main lobby of the airport, as Ashlie sends out her current team of Spriggy the Meowscarada, Bullo the Paldean Tauros, Ape the Anihilape, Ivy the Shiny Dolliv, and Lucha the Hawlucha. After a few minutes, Hawlucha grins after looking at the landscape around the city.*

Lucha: "I've only been here for around ten minutes and I already love it here!"

Ivy: "Yeah, the city is still probably recovering a bit due to the whole Area Zero incident since it was most likely the one that got hit the harder at, but hey, the region is hanging in there!"

???: "Hola and Bonjour again!"  *They group turn around and see Iono approaching them.*

Ashlie: "Hey, it's Gym Leader Iono!"

Iono: "Yipee, you still recognize me, bonjour, Ashlie!" *Claps a bit.*

Iono's Bellibolt: "Heya!" *Does a derpy wave hello.*

Chuster: "Sup!" *Gives a high five to both Iono and Bellibolt using his tail.*

???: "Hey, where's my greeting?" *Ashlie and Chuster turn around and see some old faces: Dusk and Benny along with Rose the Eevee and Lightning the Pikachu!*

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